
memory or lucky game whatever you call it!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


memory or lucky game whatever you call it!

Play here

Can solve this using MVC architecture(which I have done) or you can do this!

  1. Create a folder
  2. create three files
    • m1.js
    • m1.css
    • m1.html
  3. copy layout.jade code and convert it to html using html2jade and copy into m1.html
  4. copy m1.js in public/javascripts/ to m1.js
  5. copy stylesheet to m1.css


If you want to stick to the plan :

 1) npm install
 2) npm install nodemon -g --save
 3) nodemon app.js
 4) open browser and start local server localhost:1800

Hosting : Heroku

1) heroku create app_name
2) create git repository
3) copy all files into repository
4) remove node_modules since heroku does it for you
5) git commit -m "your message"
6) git push heroku master
7) heroku open
