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ProGrad Lab | FLAMES

A Quick Introduction

We all would have heard or in fact played the FLAMES game atleast once. Logically the game doesn't make a lot of sense, but it definitely is a lot of fun. And hence we thought, why not build it with the help of our ProGrads?

(If you haven't heard of this game before, then quickly google it up & understand before you proceed)

What should you do

Fork this repo
Clone this repo
Practice Java basics - operators, conditions, loops, class and object

How To Submit

Upon completion, run the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "ProGrad ID"
git push origin master

And finally, create a pull request so your ProGrad Mentor (PM) can review your work.


  1. Do not modify the entire code.
  2. Edit the code as per the instructions.
  3. Go to Java Resources -> src folder.
  4. You will have two packages src/controller and src/service.
  5. You need to modify src/controller/FlamesCheck and src/service/FlamesCheckService.
  6. Once the progressions are completed follow the instructions to run the application and test your code.

Run the Project

  1. Right - click on the project.
  2. Go to Run as -> Run on server.
  3. You can check the output in eclipse browser or in your browser.


  1. Uncomment the code inside Java Resources - src -testing - TestFlamesCheckService class file.
  2. Right - click on the project
  3. Go to Run as -> Junit Test.
  4. All the testcases must be evaluated.

Input Format

  1. Input consist of 2 strings - name1 and name2

Output Format

1 Output is a character that corresponds to the 'F','L','A','M','E','S' values

Progression - 1

  1. Open the class file FlamesCheckService inside JAVA Resources - src - service.
  2. Create a public class called FlamesCheckService.

Progression - 2

  1. Create a public method called findFlames of type character
  2. Your method takes 2 Strings as input and returns a character as output.
  3. Calculate FLAMES and return a character.


  1. Print the names in console
  2. Print the love character and the corresponding match
Your name is ProGrad.
Your partner name is FACEPrep.
You two are "LOVERS"

Happy Coding ProGrad ❤️