
[CS475 - IIT Bombay] A music-box animation made using OpenGL

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

The Music Box: OpenGL Animation

This project is a music-box animation created using OpenGL.

This was made as the final project for CS475: Computer Graphics course in Autumn 2018 at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, India.

For technical details, you may want to check out the documentation file or refer to description section below.


Animation Video

Getting Started

  • Run the command make && ./model to start the window.
  • Also, create a folder named frames if you would like to store the .ppmfiles (i.e. the frames of scenes sequentially) - [to do this you'll also need to uncomment line 1190 in model.cpp].


  • All Primitives like ellipsoids (sphere is a special case of cones), cones (cylinder is a special case of cones), cuboids, discs and quads are implemented in primitive.cpp and primitive.hpp
  • All the above mentioned primitives are rendered using GL_TRIANGLES.
  • Hierarchical modelling is implemented in hierarchy_node.cpp and hierarchy_node.hpp
  • The main code is implemented in model.cpp and model.hpp
  • All the key bindings are implemented in gl_framework.cpp and gl_framework.hpp

Control of Units

Key Action Key Action
1 Toggle wall light 2 Toggle lamp light
3 Start animation with stored keyframes V Start Bezier curve camera animation
B Capture keyframe X Delete keyframes.txt
W, A, S, D Rotate camera I, J, K, L, O, U Translate camera

Bezier Curve Camera Animation

In the beginning one can choose the points by left clicks and translating with I, J, K, L, O, U only (don't use W, A, S, D). After clicking the points press V to begin the animation of camera. This is followed by the keyframe animation automatically.

Keyframe Animation

Press 3 for animating with already stored keyframes. Or after pressing V as stated in Bezier curve animation.

Model Controls

The default model selected initially is the room. All models in this project are listed below:

  • Model 1: Humanoid Clown
  • Model 2: Box
  • Model 3: R2D2
  • Model 4: Room
Key Action Key Action
M Choose model with ID via. terminal C Choose limb to rotate via. terminal
R Rotate selected limb about Z-axis Y Rotate selected limb about Z-axis
T Rotate selected limb about X-axis G Rotate selected limb about X-axis
F Rotate selected limb about Y-axis H Rotate selected limb about Y-axis

To rotate about the centroids choose the respective center limb which are listed here:

  • Model 1: Torso
  • Model 2: There is only one limb and it is selected always
  • Model 3: Torso

Hierarchy Trees

Model 1

The various parts of the model are listed below:

Index Part Index Part Index Part
0 LowerTorso 7 LUpperArm 14 LLegShoulder
1 UpperTorso 8 RElbow 15 RUpperLeg
2 Neck 9 LElbow 16 LUpperLeg
3 Head 10 RLowerArm 17 RKnee
4 RShoulder 11 LLowerArm 18 LKnee
5 LShoulder 12 Hip 19 RLowerLeg
6 RUpperArm 13 RLegShoulder 20 LLowerLeg

The joints connecting the parts are between index pairs listed below:

Parent Child Parent Child Parent Child Parent Child
0 1 4 6 9 11 14 16
0 2 5 7 0 12 15 17
2 3 6 8 12 13 16 18
0 4 7 9 12 14 17 19
0 5 8 10 13 15 18 20

Model 3

The various parts of the model are listed below:

Index Part Index Part Index Part
0 Torso 5 LShoulder 10 RArm-Disc
1 Head 6 RArm 11 LArm-Disc
2 Bottom Leg 7 LArm 12 Torso-Bottom-Disk
3 Bottom Feet 8 RHand 13 Eye-Scanner
4 RShoulder 9 LHand 14 Eye-Scanner-Disc

The joints connecting the parts are between index pairs listed below:

Parent Child Parent Child Parent Child Parent Child
0 1 0 5 7 9 1 13
0 2 4 6 4 10 13 14
2 3 5 7 5 11
0 4 6 8 0 12



This project is licensed under the MIT License - please see the LICENSE file for details.