
Check if the following modules on there on your machine

  1. Nodejs
  2. MongoDb
  3. Nodemon
  4. yarn (preferable)

Installing MongoDb

  1. On OsX use the following commands

    	brew update
    	brew install mongod
    	mkdir -p /data/db
    	sudo chown -R username /data/db

    If you want to use coustom directory , then change /data/db to directory/data/db

    Then run mongod In a new tab. If custom directory is used then use

    	mongod --dbpath=directory/data/db
  2. On Linux based machines or windows machines, install related packages (.deb, or .rem or .exe)

Install Node

Use the following commands for linux or macos based machines

	sudo apt-get install curl
	curl -sL| sudo -E bash -

For Linux based machines better option would be installing node using nvm. Enter the following command to install nvm

	curl -o- | bash
	export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm

After nvm installed use

	nvm install version_number

Start server

  1. Run mongo deamon ( run mongodb service ) by using command


    In some systems it might be

    	sudo systemctl start mongod
  2. Install required packages for both frontend and backend.

    	cd be
    	npm i
    	cd ../fe
    	npm i
  3. Run backend

    	nodemon app.js    #if you have nodemon already installed
    	node app.js       #works in any case
  4. Run Frontend

    	yarn start # or 
    	npm run start

Database Schema

The database consists of three models. One for each of Products, Categories and Brand. Each of these has the following schema

  1. Products

    	name: {
    		type:  String,
    		required:  true
    	category: {
    		type:  String,
    		required:  true
    	brand: {
    		type:  String,
    		required:  true
    	price: {
    		type:  Number,
    		required:  true
    	quantity: {
    		type:  Number,
    		required:  true
    	description: {
    		type:  String,
    		required:  true
  2. Categories

    	name: {
    		type:  String,
    		required:  true
    	parents: {
    		type: [String],
    		required:  true,
    	children: {
    		type: [String],
    		required:  true

File structure

The folder structure for backend look like

	├── app.js
	├── package.json
	├── node_modules
	├── controllers
		└── auth
			├── login.js
			└── signup.js
		└── products
			├── addProduct.js
			├── getBrand.js
			├── validateCategory.js
			└── getCategory.js
	├── models
		├── products.js
		└── users.js
	├── routes
		└── products.js

The forlder structure for frontend looks like

├── package.json
├── yarn.lock
├── node_modules
├── public
	├── favicon.ico
	├── index.htmk
	├── logo.png
	├── manifest.json
	└── robots.txt
├── src
	├── Components
		├── addCategory.js
		├── addProduct.js
		├── home.js
		└── nav.ja
	├── App.css
	├── App.js
	├── index.css
	├── index.js
	├── setupTests.js
	└── serviceWorker.js