Software used Keil
Micro controller STM32F103C8T6
Hardware Module STM32 Bluepill
This library is used to generate the PWM wave of a desired frequency on STM32. To generate the PWM signal I have used Timers in STM32.
TIM2, TIM3, TIM4, TIM5 can only enabled through this library.
1.void Timer_init(unsigned short port,unsigned short pin,unsigned short timer,unsigned short freq, unsigned short dutycycle)
ex : Timer_init(PB,9,4,1,50); Port PB, Pin - 9, Timer4, Freq1- 1Khz, 50 - 50% Dutycycle
PORT PA, PB, PC - Ports which support the PWM signal
PIN GPIO pins which support PWM signal
Timer Specify the Number on which the timer should be active
Timer2 - 2, Timer3 -3, Timer4 -4, Timer5 -5
Freq Desried Frequency
Frequency should be in even numbers only.
1- 1Khz
2- 2Khz
3- 3Khz... until 9- 9Khz,but
10 - 100hz
20 -200hz...
There is a change in the calculation of frequency in the Prescaler PSC
and Autoreload ARR
dutycycle This function supports only 25% and 50%.
2. unsigned int Pwm_Out(unsigned short timer);
**General usage **
unsigned int i = Pwm_Out(Timer4);
This function generates the PWM signal on the mentioned pin and Timer.