
STM32 PWM driver using Timers

Primary LanguageC

PWM Timer

Bare metal STM32 PWM driver

Software used Keil
Micro controller STM32F103C8T6
Hardware Module STM32 Bluepill

This library is used to generate the PWM wave of a desired frequency on STM32. To generate the PWM signal I have used Timers in STM32.

Key Points

TIM2, TIM3, TIM4, TIM5 can only enabled through this library.

Timer Library usage

1.void Timer_init(unsigned short port,unsigned short pin,unsigned short timer,unsigned short freq, unsigned short dutycycle)
ex : Timer_init(PB,9,4,1,50); Port PB, Pin - 9, Timer4, Freq1- 1Khz, 50 - 50% Dutycycle

PORT PA, PB, PC - Ports which support the PWM signal
PIN GPIO pins which support PWM signal
Timer Specify the Number on which the timer should be active
Timer2 - 2, Timer3 -3, Timer4 -4, Timer5 -5
Freq Desried Frequency
Frequency should be in even numbers only.
1- 1Khz
2- 2Khz
3- 3Khz... until 9- 9Khz,but
10 - 100hz
20 -200hz...
There is a change in the calculation of frequency in the Prescaler PSC and Autoreload ARR registers.
dutycycle This function supports only 25% and 50%.

2. unsigned int Pwm_Out(unsigned short timer);
**General usage **
unsigned int i = Pwm_Out(Timer4);
This function generates the PWM signal on the mentioned pin and Timer.