Spring mvC example

This project demonstrates the Spring MVC but focusing on the C in MVC which stands for Controller.

So, What is this project?

It is a Cloud Kitchen which uses the following Controllers:

  • HomeController.class
  • StartersController.class
  • MainCourseController.class
  • SoupsController.class
  • RiceAndBiryaniController.class

When you hit localhost:8081/home route it displays the menu of the cloud kitchen which is handled by the HomeController. In the menu we have the following sections:

  • Starters
  • Soups
  • Main Courses
  • Rice and Biryani

You can navigate to localhost:8081/menu/starters, /menu/soups, /menu/main-courses, /menu/rice-biryani routes which are handled by the StarteController, SoupsCotroller, MainCourseController, and RiceAndBiryaniController respectively.


This project uses the server port# 8081.