
se-symposium-2018- backend repo

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple Stateless , Highly scalable Express Based REST API build on MERN Stack. Built for a symposium at Oracle

MERN Stack App for Social Back Ends

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Step 1: Create a Kubernetes Namespace

kubectl create namespace my-namespace

Step 2 : Deploy Mongo DB to the cluster

Works on Oracle OCI

!! Note PVCs are automatically spawned based on the K8s-Volume Provisioner

helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/

helm install --name my-release --namespace my-namespace stable/mongodb-replicaset

What is Included in the repo

  • A NodeJS REST Api container
  • k8s- replica set config

Step 3 : Deploy API Backend Layer