A Laravel REST CRUD API build using Test-Driven Development & Json Web Token Authentication.
The REST API has CRUD functionality for Recipes that have a HasMany Relationship to a User. The project also includes Tests to check on the reponses returned from the requests.
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- Npm 6.15.4 or latest
- Node.js 12.18.0 or latest
- Composer 1.9.0 or latest
- PHPUnit PHPUnit 8.5.6 or latest
Open Terminal / Command Prompt and type:
git clone https://github.com/vamuigua/tdd-journey.git
Then change your directory to the project you have cloned
cd tdd-journey
npm install
npm run dev
Create .env file in root of the project
touch .env
Copy contents of .env.example and paste them to .env
cp .env.example .env
Setup the Database variables
Migrate the Database
php artisan migrate
php artisan jwt:secret
php artisan serve
Your done...The app should now be running on 👍
- Laravel 7
- JSON Web Token Authentication
- Victor Allen - vamuigua ✌️
If you want to contact me you can reach me at vamuigua@gmail.com.