Tours Booking App 🧳

The coding challenge requires the development of a Laravel backend and a Vue.js frontend for a tour booking system. The task involves creating a RESTful API with CRUD operations, consuming those APIs on the frontend, and ensuring proper state management and authentication.

App Screenshot

Functionality of the System

User Requirements:

As a user, you should be able to:

  1. View Available Tours: See a list of tours with destinations, pricing, and descriptions.
  2. Book a Tour: Select a tour and book it.
  3. Generate a Ticket: After booking, generate and view the ticket.

Admin Requirements:

As an admin, you should be able to:

  1. Create Tours: Add new tours with available slots, pricing, descriptions, and destinations.
  2. View All Bookings: Access a list of all bookings made by users.
  3. View All Tickets: Access all tickets generated from bookings.

Database Schema:

App Screenshot

Getting Started & Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd tours_booking_app

Setting app the different apps

From here you will see two folders: backend and frontend .The backend is the laravel app that servers the APIs to thefrontend which is a Vue JS application.

We shall first install and configure the backend then afterwards the frontend:

1. Backend Configuration (Laravel App)

Go to the backend directory

  cd backend

Install dependencies

  composer install

Change directory permissison

  chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache

Create an .env file

  touch .env
  cp .env.example .env

Update the following environment variables in the .env file:


Generate an Application Key

  php artisan key:generate

Migrate the Database

PS: Ensure you have created a database e.g tours_booking_app before running the migrate command

  php artisan migrate

Start the app by running the server

  php artisan serve

The backend app will be served on the URL http://localhost:8000/

Now we can move to configuring the frontend

2. Frontend Configuration (Vue JS App)

Go to the frontend directory

  cd frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Create an .env file

  touch .env

Add the following environment variable in the .env file:


http://localhost:8000 is the URL serving the laravel application.

Start the app server

  npm run dev

The frontend app will be served on the URL http://localhost:5173/

Start using Tours Booking app: Once the app is running, you can start by creating an account by visiting the registration page and explore the app's features.

📖 API Reference

Some of the APIs you can find include:

Login as a User

  POST api/v1/login
Parameter Type Description
email email Required.
password string Required.
remember bool Determines whether the Token will expire at a defined time or not.

Get all Tours

  GET api/v1/tours
Authorization Type Description
Bearer Token string Required.