A project that implements sending and receiving of Webhooks between 2 laravel apps (Server & Client).
What does the application do?
The server (api) schedules a job and sends data to the client app (client) through a webhook. When the webhook is received on the client-side app, it processes the request using a job.The job then sends a notification to the user and broadcasts an event using Pusher channels. Finally, the event is captured by Laravel Echo which then provides the necessary data to be updated on the Vue JS frontend in real-time.
You can read more into detail on what the packages do here:
Project setup
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
* node 15.5.1 or latest
* npm 7.6.0 or latest
* composer 2.1.5 or latest
Setting up the project locally
A step by step series on how to get a development env running.
Open Terminal / Command Prompt and type:
git clone https://github.com/vamuigua/webhook-machine.git
Then change your directory to the project you have cloned
cd webhook-machine
Server App (api) & Client App (client)
The project includes two laravel applications: a server-side & client-side app. In both apps, follow the steps below to get the project up and running:
cd <api/client>
Install project Dependencies
composer install
Install npm packages
npm install
Compile assets for development
npm run dev
Create .env file
touch .env
Copy .env Laravel Configuration
php -r "file_exists('.env') || copy('.env.example', '.env');"
Generate Application Key
php artisan key:generate
Run Database migrations and seed
php artisan migrate --seed
Start the app
php artisan serve
Your done...The app should now be running on your browser 👍
Built With
- Laravel, for processing Scheduled Jobs and Broadcasting Notifications
- Vue JS, for Reactive UI Components on the client app
- Pusher, for broadcasting events
- Laravel Echo, for subscribing to channels and listening for events
- Spatie's Laravel Webhook Server, for sending webhooks
- Spatie's Laravel Webhook Client, for receiving webhooks
- Victor Allen - vamuigua ✌️
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details