
lesscode-gateway enables the contract 1st development and eliminates all the boilerplate codes to map, validate, and execute the contract. It also supports multiple contracts including REST, GraphQL, MQM (Message Q Messages).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



lesscode-gateway provide support for multiple client server protocols like REST, GraqhQL, MQM (Message Q Messages). Simply drop your openapi 3.0 spec and lesscode gateway will automatically convert into graplql oamd mqm spec (vai open spec) map all the endpoints to it's single execution (functions).


  • Multiple protocol support using single function.
  • Auto openapi 3.0 (REST) contract validation.
  • Built-in observability (stdout) - Request, Metrics (latency) & Error.
  • Auto JWT validation.


  • Install the lesscode packages.
npm install lesscode-fp 
npm install lesscode-gateway


yarn add lesscode-fp 
yarn add lesscode-gateway
  • Create a javscrript file with the following code
const { $M, $, Print, m2valList } = require('lesscode-fp')
const { Gateway } = require('lesscode-gateway')

const LogCrash = async err => Print(JSON.stringify({ type: 'crash', name: process.env.NAME, err }))
const StartServer = async env => Gateway(env)

// Monadic composition...