A library containing several useful filters
JQ is an amazing commandline tool to manipulate JSON structures through smart filters that transform one object, array, or value into another. But as with many tools and programming languages, there are allways features missing.
These files are hopefully a good set of useful filters.
Assuming the files contained in this repositories are located in a (local) .jq
directory, jq
can be invoked as jq -L .jq
, which will then make it possible
to import "SomeLib" as Some;
and later use the filter like Some::filter
jq --null-input -L .jq 'import "DateTime" as DT; 65.4321 | DT::to_human_string'
will print:
"1 minute and 5.4 seconds"
on the terminal.
jq -n -L .jq ' include "Number"; 12345.678 | round, round(2), round(-1)'
will produce
This latter example also demonstrates the possiblity to redefine standard functions and let
figure out which to use, based on 'multi-signature' subroutines