
process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)

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When I run BrainExtractor, sometimes the process stops suddenly with this:

process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005)

How can I fix it? And what caused it?


It's difficult to debug this without additional context. What data are you trying to run? Are there any messages before/after the error (this may help me figure out at what stage the process failed).

Other information that may help:

  • Python version
  • Operating System
  • Parameters you are running Brainextractor with

Sorry, there is no message before/after this error. I tried BET on data collection UCSF-PDGM which can be found on TCIA.

I use Python 3.7 and Windows 10, and the iteration of BET is set to 800. I found if the iteration is set to 300, this error disappeared. So this is caused by insufficient computer memory?


I've only tested brainextractor on Linux based systems, and ensuring this works on Windows is just something I currently don't have the bandwidth for.

Try running this on Linux and if you get the same issue, feel free to report back here.


Now I see Linux is OK. Maybe my PC is not good enough......