This repository contains a collection of howtos for dealing with git / github.
For more information, the git pro book is an excellent and freely available resource.
- We assume that you have git installed so that you can run commands in the terminal. There are graphical tools for working with git(hub), but using the command line tool helps understanding what you are doing, and will also prepare you for using git on a server without graphical interface and/or another computer without graphical tools installed.
- Register your own GitHub account
Basic Git(hub) usage
- Creating and cloning a repository
- Adding, committing, pushing and pulling
- Resolving conflicts: merging changes
- README, licence and .gitignore
More advanced git(hub) usage
- Commits, parents, and rebasing
- Working with branches
- Forks and pull requests
- Permanently removing sensitive files
- Code should (almost) always be on github
- A repository should (almost) always have a license
- Pull when you start working
- Commit early, commit often
- Create a branch if you have 'work in progress' that you don't want to commit yet to the main line. And then commit and push that branch (early and often).