
🎓 House of school/college homework, problem sets & mini-projects which consists mainly of data structures & algorithms

Primary LanguagePython

🚀 About This Repository

🎓 Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD)

Data Driven World 📊

Week1_Cohort.py - Iteration, BubbleSort & InsertionSort
Week1_HW.py - Palindrome & BubbleSortV4
Week2_Cohort.py - Binary Heap & HeapSort
Week2_HW.py - Minimum Heap & HeapSort
Week3_Cohort.py - Binary Search, Factorial Recursion, Tower of Hanoi & MergeSort
Week3_HW.py - Fibonacci Sequence, Max-Heapify & Permutation
Week4_Cohort.py - Classes, Stack, Queue
Week4_HW.py - Queue ADT, RadixSort
Week5_Cohort.py - Graphs & BreadthFirstSearch
Week5_HW.py - Sum of Edges & Vertices in Graphs
Week6_Cohort.py - Classes: Getter & Setter
Week6_HW.py - Classes: Override
Week8_Preclass.py - Pandas: Dataframe Manipulation
Week8_Cohort.py - Pandas: Dataframe Operations
Week8_HW.py - Pandas, Matplot, Seaborn
Week9_Cohort.py - ML: Linear Regression
Week9_HW.py - ML: Gradient Descent Linear Regression
Week10_Cohort.py - ML: Logistic Regression
2D_Project.py - ML Project on Environmental Indexes

Computational Thinking for Design 💻

Week 8

ProblemSet_1.py - Basic printing
ProblemSet_2A.py - Basic printing/data structures & types/common mathematical algorithms

Week 10

ProblemSet_2B.py - Basic initialization of mathematical functions
ProblemSet_2C.py - Basic functions: Sequences & Check Values
ProblemSet_3A.py - Alternating functions: For loops to calculate sums & Alternating While loops
ProblemSet_3B.py - List functions & Manipulation
ProblemSet_4.py - Slicing & Looping
ProblemSet_5A.py - Dictionaries
ProblemSet_5B.py - Dictionary Functions

Week 12

ProblemSet_6.py - Matrices using Lists

Week 13

ProblemSet_7.py - Classes

🏫 Temasek Polytechnic (TP)

Data Structures & Algorithms 💡

Problem Set 1A

ProjectQn1.py - Algorithm Project on Sequential Search using recursion
ProjectQn2.py - Algorithm Project on Stack class
ProjectQn3.py - Algorithm Project on Queue class

Problem Set 1B

Project1B_Qn1a.py - Algorithm Project on Binary Search algorithm using recursion
Project1B_Qn1b.py - Algorithm Project on Sorted List Insertion using recursion
Project1B_Qn2.py - Algorithm Project on a Book-Keeping program by initializing a class