
A PHP/Slim/D3 port of the Sleep-as-Android & Sleepcloud app ecosystem

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub release license


A PHP/Slim/D3 port of the Sleep-as-Android & Sleepcloud app ecosystem


For those of us who have a very difficult (and noisy!) sleep, Sleep-as-Android has proved to be very helpful for monitoring sleep patterns. The Android app has a great set of features worth exploring but it also offers the possibility to export, store and visualise data in their dedicated cloud-based application, SleepCloud.

While the visualisation and exploitation of sleep-related data are more effectively done in web apps, not everybody is keen to have their private data stored, consumed and shared publicly (even when aggregated, anonymized or pseudonymised).


So, here comes my solution: reinvent the wheel and build my own visualisation toolkit!

Fortunately, SleepCloud data can also be seamlessly exported to third-party cloud storage services with APIs (at the moment, only Dropbox or Google Drive seem to be supported).




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