
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Check out our live data understanding dashboard!

Check out the presentation slides

Python bindings for the Energy Information Administration API

Test Update

Repo Overview

Our repository consists of two major components: a package eia-py and a set of exploratory data analysis notebooks (EDA).

The package can be found under eia. The package handles data scraping and loading. The Notebooks/ directory holds all tools required to perform exploratory data analysis. The relationship between the two is that the scripts and notebooks in Notebooks/ rely on the package in eia.

The docs/ directory contains the files needed for the dashboard and API documentation page.

The slides/ directory contains the slides which were used for the presentation.

The schema/ directory contains the API Schema details.


Third Party Modules

  • os
  • re
  • collections
  • pandas
  • numpy
  • pandas_profiling
  • json
  • requests
  • tqdm
  • plotly
  • matplotlib
  • statsmodels
  • prophet
  • sklearn
  • warnings


The easiest way to get started is to install from PyPi:

pip install eia-py-api

Next you'll need to export an API key in your environment variables:

export EIA_API_KEY="{your-key}"

You can get an API key from the EIA website.


For examples, please check out our Notebooks directory.


Contribute to the eia-py GitHub repo.

Development Setup

To get started working on the repository, please clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/lukewood/eia-py

Then install the repo:

cd eia-py
python setup.py develop

This will link the package. To test that your installation works, run the following in a python interpreted of your choice:

import eia

Then, you need to export an environment variable for the API key:

export EIA_API_KEY="{your-key}"

Commits and Pull Requests

To make our development process streamlined and minimize conflicts we are doing all development via pull requests.

Please send all code updates via pull request on GitHub

The process to do so is documented here:

Please create a branch:

git checkout -b mybranch

Make a change:

echo 'hello_world = "123"' >> eia/test.py

Format the code:


Next, make a commit:

git add .
git commit -m "Made some changes"

Push your changes to GitHub:

git push origin mybranch

Finally, go to the GitHub Repo URL, https://lukewood/eia-py, and create a pull request from your branch. Make sure everything looks good, and request a review. Then we can merge it.