
Maintainer Contact

  • (Nickname: , <will_melbourne (at) hotmail (dot) com>)


not required but dataobjectmanager and uploadify make the whole experience a bit more slick


<Links to the wiki, blog posts, etc>

Installation Instructions

1- Upload folder to the root of your silverstripe installation 2- Make sure that the folder is named SSNivoSlider so that links to Js and Css still work (If you want to change the name that's fine just do a search and replace for the foldre name) 3- run dev/build 4- Go to admin and create a SSNivoSliderPage 5- On the SSNivoSliderPage select the slider tab and add some new slides 6- If your pictures aren't all the same size you will need to set the size & width of the NivoSlider

Usage Overview

<Highlevel usage, refer to wiki documentation for details>

Known issues

<Popular issues, how to solve them, and links to tickets in the bugtracker>

To do

Get latest version of nivo