Vehicle Router Project


The Vehicle Router project is an application designed to effectively schedule and optimize load assignments to drivers. The project encompasses proximity-based strategies for efficient vehicle routing.


  • Go (latest version recommended)
  • An input file with load data for testing purposes

Running the Project

  1. Navigate to the Project's Root Directory:

    cd path_to_directory/vehicle-router
  2. Run the Application: Provide the path to your load input file when running the project.

    go run cmd/main.go <input_file>

    The input file needs to be in the below format

    loadNumber pickup dropoff 
    1 (-50.1,80.0) (90.1,12.2) 
    2 (-24.5,-19.2) (98.5,1,8) 
    3 (0.3,8.9) (40.9,55.0)
    4 (5.3,-61.1) (77.8,-5.4)

Testing the Project

All tests in the module can be run by using the following command from the root directory:

go test ./...