
:card_index: A simple and sane fake data generator for C#. Based on and ported from the famed faker.js.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

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Bogus for .NET/C#

Project Description

Hello. I'm your host Brian Chavez (twitter). Bogus is a simple and sane fake data generator for C# and .NET. Bogus is a C# port of faker.js and inspired by FluentValidation's syntax sugar.

Bogus will help you load databases, UI and apps with fake data for your testing needs. If you like Bogus star ā­ the repository and show your friends! šŸ˜„

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Nuget Package Bogus

Install-Package Bogus

Note: .NET Core is supported.

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The Great Example

public enum Gender

//Set the randomzier seed if you wish to generate repeatable data sets.
Randomizer.Seed = new Random(3897234);

var fruit = new[] { "apple", "banana", "orange", "strawberry", "kiwi" };

var orderIds = 0;
var testOrders = new Faker<Order>()
    //Ensure all properties have rules. By default, StrictMode is false
    //Set a global policy by using Faker.DefaultStrictMode
    //OrderId is deterministic
    .RuleFor(o => o.OrderId, f => orderIds++)
    //Pick some fruit from a basket
    .RuleFor(o => o.Item, f => f.PickRandom(fruit))
    //A random quantity from 1 to 10
    .RuleFor(o => o.Quantity, f => f.Random.Number(1, 10));

var userIds = 0;
var testUsers = new Faker<User>()
    //Optional: Call for objects that have complex initialization
    .CustomInstantiator(f => new User(userIds++, f.Random.Replace("###-##-####")))

    //Basic rules using built-in generators
    .RuleFor(u => u.FirstName, f => f.Name.FirstName())
    .RuleFor(u => u.LastName, f => f.Name.LastName())
    .RuleFor(u => u.Avatar, f => f.Internet.Avatar())
    .RuleFor(u => u.UserName, (f, u) => f.Internet.UserName(u.FirstName, u.LastName))
    .RuleFor(u => u.Email, (f, u) => f.Internet.Email(u.FirstName, u.LastName))
    .RuleFor(u => u.SomethingUnique, f => $"Value {f.UniqueIndex}")
    .RuleFor(u => u.SomeGuid, Guid.NewGuid)

    //Use an enum outside scope.
    .RuleFor(u => u.Gender, f => f.PickRandom<Gender>())
    //Use a method outside scope.
    .RuleFor(u => u.CartId, f => Guid.NewGuid())
    //Compound property with context, use the first/last name properties
    .RuleFor(u => u.FullName, (f, u) => u.FirstName + " " + u.LastName)
    //And composability of a complex collection.
    .RuleFor(u => u.Orders, f => testOrders.Generate(3).ToList())
    //After all rules are applied finish with the following action
    .FinishWith((f, u) =>
            Console.WriteLine("User Created! Id={0}", u.Id);

var user = testUsers.Generate();

User Created! Id=0
  "Id": 0,
  "FirstName": "Audrey",
  "LastName": "Spencer",
  "FullName": "Audrey Spencer",
  "UserName": "Audrey_Spencer72",
  "Email": "Audrey82@gmail.com",
  "Avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/itstotallyamy/128.jpg",
  "CartId": "863f9462-5b88-471f-b833-991d68db8c93",
  "SSN": "923-88-4231",
  "Gender": 0,
  "Orders": [
      "OrderId": 0,
      "Item": "orange",
      "Quantity": 8
      "OrderId": 1,
      "Item": "banana",
      "Quantity": 2
      "OrderId": 2,
      "Item": "kiwi",
      "Quantity": 9
} */


Since we're a port of faker.js, we support a whole bunch of different locales. Here's an example in Korean:

public void With_Korean_Locale()
    var lorem = new Bogus.DataSets.Lorem(locale: "ko");

/* źµ­ź°€ėŠ” ė¬“ģƒģœ¼ė”œ ķ–‰ģœ„ė”œ ģ˜ė¬“ė„¼ źµ¬ģ„±ķ•˜ģ§€ ģ‹ ģ²“ģ˜ ģ²˜ė²Œė°›ģ§€ ģ˜ˆģˆ ź°€ģ˜ ź²½ģš°ģ™€ */

Bogus has support following locales:

Locale Code Language
az Azerbaijani
cz Czech
de German
de_AT German (Austria)
de_CH German (Switzerland)
el Greek
en English
en_AU Australia (English)
en_au_ocker Australia Ocker (English)
en_BORK Bork (English)
en_CA Canada (English)
en_GB Great Britain (English)
en_IE Ireland (English)
en_IND India (English)
en_US United States (English)
es Spanish
es_MX Spanish Mexico
fa Farsi
fr French
fr_CA Canada (French)
ge Georgian
id_ID Indonesia
it Italian
ja Japanese
ko Korean
lv Latvian
nb_NO Norwegian
nep Nepalese
nl Dutch
pl Polish
pt_BR Portuguese (Brazil)
pt_PT Portuguese (Portugal)
ru Russian
sk Slovakian
sv Swedish
tr Turkish
uk Ukrainian
vi Vietnamese
zh_CN Chinese
zh_TW Chinese (Taiwan)

Note: Some locales may not have a complete data set. For example, zh_CN does not have a lorem data set, but ko has a lorem data set. Bogus will default to en if a locale-specific data set is not found. To further illustrate the previous example, the missing zh_CN:lorem data set will default to the en:lorem data set.

If you'd like to help contribute new locales or update existing ones please see our Creating Locales wiki page for more info.

Without Fluent Syntax

You can use Bogus without a fluent setup. Just use a dataset directly.

public void Without_Fluent_Syntax()
    var random = new Bogus.Randomizer();
    var lorem = new Bogus.DataSets.Lorem();
    var o = new Order()
            OrderId = random.Number(1, 100),
            Item = lorem.Sentence(),
            Quantity = random.Number(1, 10)
  "OrderId": 61,
  "Item": "vel est ipsa",
  "Quantity": 7
} */

Bogus API Support

  • Address
    • ZipCode - Get a zipcode.
    • City - Get a city name.
    • StreetAddress - Get a street address.
    • CityPrefix - Get a city prefix.
    • CitySuffix - Get a city suffix.
    • StreetName - Get a street name.
    • BuildingNumber - Get the buildingnumber
    • StreetSuffix - Get a street suffix.
    • SecondaryAddress - Get a secondary address like 'Apt. 2' or 'Suite 321'.
    • County - Get a county.
    • Country - Get a country.
    • CountryCode - Get a random country code.
    • State - Get a state.
    • StateAbbr - Get a state abbreviation.
    • Latitude - Get a Latitude
    • Longitude - Get a Longitude
  • Commerce
    • Department - Get a random commerce department.
    • Price - Get a random product price.
    • Categories - Get random product categories
    • ProductName - Get a random product name.
    • Color - Get a random color.
    • Product - Get a random product.
    • ProductAdjective - Random product adjective.
    • ProductMaterial - Random product material.
  • Company
    • CompanySuffix - Get a company suffix. "Inc" and "LLC" etc.
    • CompanyName - Get a company name
    • CompanyName - Get a company name. The format can use any name.* and company.* methods.
    • CatchPhrase - Get a company catch phrase.
    • Bs - Get a company BS phrase.
  • Database
    • Column - Generates a column name.
    • Type - Generates a column type.
    • Collation - Generates a collation.
    • Engine - Generates a storage engine.
  • Date
    • Past - Get a date in the past between refDate and years past that date.
    • Future - Get a date in the future between refDate and years forward of that date.
    • Between - Get a random date between start and end.
    • Recent - Get a random date/time within the last few days since now.
    • Timespan - Get a random span of time.
    • Month - Get a random month
    • Weekday - Get a random weekday
  • Finance
    • Account - Get an account number. Default length is 8 digits.
    • AccountName - Get an account name. Like "savings", "checking", "Home Loan" etc..
    • Amount - Get a random amount. Default 0 - 1000.
    • TransactionType - Get a transaction type: "deposit", "withdrawal", "payment", or "invoice".
    • Currency - Get a random currency.
    • CreditCardNumber - Returns a credit card number that should pass validation. See here.
    • BitcoinAddress - Generates a random bitcoin address
    • Bic - Generates Bank Identifier Code (BIC) code.
    • Iban - Generates an International Bank Account Number (IBAN).
  • Hacker
    • Abbreviation - Returns an abbreviation.
    • Adjective - Returns a adjective.
    • Noun - Returns a noun.
    • Verb - Returns a verb.
    • IngVerb - Returns an -ing verb.
    • Phrase - Returns a phrase.
  • Images
    • Image - Gets a random image.
    • Abstract - Gets an abstract looking image.
    • Animals - Gets an image of an animal.
    • Business - Gets a business looking image.
    • Cats - Gets a picture of a cat.
    • City - Gets a city looking image.
    • Food - Gets an image of food.
    • Nightlife - Gets an image with city looking nightlife.
    • Fashion - Gets an image in the fashion category.
    • People - Gets an image of humans.
    • Nature - Gets an image of nature.
    • Sports - Gets an image related to sports.
    • Technics - Get a technology related image.
    • Transport - Get a transportation related image.
    • DataUri - Get a SVG data URI image with a specific width and height.
  • Internet
    • Avatar - Generates a legit Internet URL avatar from twitter accounts.
    • Email - Generates an email address.
    • ExampleEmail - Generates an example email with @example.com
    • UserName - Generates user names.
    • DomainName - Generates a random domain name.
    • DomainWord - Generates a domain word used for domain names.
    • DomainSuffix - Generates a domain name suffix like .com, .net, .org
    • Ip - Gets a random IP address.
    • Ipv6 - Generates a random IPv6 address.
    • UserAgent - Generates a random user agent.
    • Mac - Gets a random mac address
    • Password - Generates a random password.
    • Color - Gets a random aesthetically pleasing color near the base R,G.B. See here.
    • Protocol - Returns a random protocol. HTTP or HTTPS.
    • Url - Generates a random URL.
  • Lorem
    • Word - Get a random lorem word.
    • Words - Get some lorem words
    • Letter - Get a character letter.
    • Sentence - Get a random sentence. Default minimum of 3 words but at most 10 words (range = 7). If you want a sustenance with 5 words always call Sentence(5, range: 0);
    • Slug - Slugify lorem words.
    • Sentences - Get some sentences.
    • Paragraph - Get a paragraph.
    • Paragraphs - Get some paragraphs with tabs n all.
    • Text - Get random text on a random lorem methods.
    • Lines - Get lines of lorem
  • Name
    • FirstName - Get a first name. Getting a gender specific name is only supported on locales that support it. Example, 'ru' supports male/female names, but not 'en' English.
    • LastName - Get a first name. Getting a gender specific name is only supported on locales that support it. Example, Russian ('ru') supports male/female names, but English ('en') does not.
    • Prefix - Gets a random prefix for a name
    • Suffix - Gets a random suffix for a name
    • FindName - Gets a full name
    • JobTitle - Gets a random job title.
    • JobDescriptor - Get a job description.
    • JobArea - Get a job area expertise.
    • JobType - Get a type of job.
  • PhoneNumbers
    • PhoneNumber - Get a phone number.
    • PhoneNumberFormat - Gets a phone number via format array index as defined in a locale's phone_number.formats[] array.
  • System
    • FileName - Get a random file name
    • MimeType - Get a random mime type
    • CommonFileType - Returns a commonly used file type
    • CommonFileExt - Returns a commonly used file extension
    • FileType - Returns any file type available as mime-type
    • FileExt - Gets a random extension for the given mime type.
    • Semver - Get a random semver version string.
    • Version - Get a random System.Version
    • Exception - Get a random Exception with a fake stack trace.

Helper Methods


If you want to generate a Person with context relevant properties like an email that looks like it belongs to someone with the same first/last name, create a person!

public void Create_Context_Related_Person()
    var person = new Bogus.Person();


  "FirstName": "Lee",
  "LastName": "Brown",
  "UserName": "Lee_Brown3",
  "Avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/ccinojasso1/128.jpg",
  "Email": "Lee_Brown369@yahoo.com",
  "DateOfBirth": "1984-01-16T21:31:27.87666",
  "Address": {
    "Street": "2552 Bernard Rapid",
    "Suite": "Suite 199",
    "City": "New Haskell side",
    "ZipCode": "78425-0411",
    "Geo": {
      "Lat": -35.8154,
      "Lng": -140.2044
  "Phone": "1-500-790-8836 x5069",
  "Website": "javier.biz",
  "Company": {
    "Name": "Kuphal and Sons",
    "CatchPhrase": "Organic even-keeled monitoring",
    "Bs": "open-source brand e-business"
} */

Replace a formatted string with random numbers #, letters ?, or * random number or letter:

public void Create_an_SSN()
    var ssn = new Bogus.Randomizer().Replace("###-##-####");

    var code = new Randomizer().Replace("##? ??? ####");

    var serial = new Randomizer().Replace("**-****");
"39E SPC 0790"

Parse Handlebars

You can also parse strings in the following format:

public void Handlebar()
    var faker = new Faker();
    var randomName = faker.Parse("{{name.lastName}}, {{name.firstName}} {{name.suffix}}");

"Roob, Michale PhD"

Implicit and Explicit Type Conversion

You can also use implicit type conversion to make your code look cleaner without having to explicitly call Faker<T>.Generate().

var orderFaker = new Faker<Order>()
                     .RuleFor(o => o.OrderId, f => f.IndexVariable++)
                     .RuleFor(o => o.Item, f => f.Commerce.Product())
                     .RuleFor(o => o.Quantity, f => f.Random.Number(1,3));

Order testOrder1 = orderFaker;
Order testOrder2 = orderFaker;

  "OrderId": 0,
  "Item": "Computer",
  "Quantity": 2
  "OrderId": 1,
  "Item": "Tuna",
  "Quantity": 3

//Explicit works too!
var anotherOrder = (Order)orderFaker;


  • Download the source code.
  • Run build.cmd.

Upon successful build, the results will be in the \__compile directory. The build.cmd compiles the C# code and embeds the locales in Source\Bogus\data. If you want to rebuild the NuGet packages run build.cmd pack and the NuGet packages will be in __package.

Rebundling Locales

If you wish to re-bundle the latest faker.js locales, you'll need to first:

  1. git submodule init
  2. git submodule update
  3. Ensure, NodeJS and gulp are properly installed.
  4. cd Source\Builder
  5. npm install to install required dev dependencies.
  6. gulp build.locales to regenerate locales in Source\Bogus\data.
  7. In solution explorer add any new locales not already included as an EmbeddedResource.
  8. Finally, run build.bat.



Created by Brian Chavez.

faker.js made possible by Matthew Bergman & Marak Squires.

A big thanks to GitHub and all contributors: