
SQL for Data Scientists - Workshop Series 2022

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SQL for Data Scientists - Workshops 2022

This workshop is designed to serve as an introduction to essential concepts in SQL for Data Science. Over the three days, we will cover basics of relational databases, SQL commands, joins and functions. These workshops will use MySQL to teach the basics. While there are some syntax differences between MySQL and other relational databse management systems (RDBMS), most core concepts and syntax is consistent across products. MySQL is also one of the most popular open source RDBMS and often a preferred choice for data scientists.

Workshop Materials

During the course of the workshops, we will be using an integrated development environment (MySQL Workbench) to practice SQL commands. We will also be using a sample database (The Farmer's Market Database) to experiment with MySQL commands.

Please download the following prior to the workshops:

MySQL: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ MySQL Workbench: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/

For the above, please ensure you download the appropriate installation files (ARM vs. x86 vs. Windows etc.)

Farmer's Market Database: www.wiley.com/go/sqlfordatascientists

The SQL for Data Scientists Support Files can be found at the bottom of the page linked above.

For any questions, please reach out to us at ds-research-team@vanderbilt.edu