This is a script that...
- Runs speedtest using python
- Can be scheduled to run at regular intervals (IE: cronjob)
- For use on a Linux system
- Output to a log file and/or to google sheets using IFTTT.
Python needs to be installed These python packages need to be installed: speedtest-cli, numpy, and requests
Install these with
pip install speedtest-cli numpy requests
- THEN THAT as Google Sheets (add row to spreadsheet)
- Note your KEY and EVENT TITLE
- Copy the python script to your system and update the variables as needed
- uploads just download rate, ping rate, and ping.
- uploads all the data that would need to be parsed in google-sheets in CSV format.
- IFTTT_Event_Name and IFTTT_Key need to be updated appropriatly
- Both IFTTT and Local Log can be disabled just update these variables and set appropriately to either true or false.
- Use_IFTTT = True
- Use_Local_Log = True
- Log_Path folder needs to be updated and verify that the folder exists
- Log_File will be created in Log_Path if it is not present, as long as permissions are properly set
If the script is going to be run as root, the python packages need to be installed under the root user
This information was thrown together for my enjoyment for personal use.
This has been tested on a Linux system already.
I am not claiming to know anything about anything. Use at your own risk.
Working on an additional entry for using Google Sheets api without logging.
Here are some of the places I got the information for this.