a Heroku-hosted Rails app that pings Heroku apps (including itself) at 10 minute intervals to keep the servers from idling :)
- adesuwau
- alexi215Austin, TX
- Anastasa27
- apgregory
- Arvinje@smartlyio
- BYWallace@Shopify
- CentroDLPeak Reservations
- conorhastingsFreewill
- darthneelSan Francisco, CA
- DeweyBanks@illuminaticreative
- dmitryjum
- drewtunneyNew York, NY
- elainefang
- ericak11New York
- HeidiWUnited States
- ilias-tReadMe
- InhakkiNew York City
- jeffcampomanesNew York, NY
- jmhinric
- JoeBiggicaNew York, New York
- kdoyne
- kevinmcalearAmazon
- mariaperhaps
- mcrundoCanal West Studio
- myfashionhub@ThirtyMadison
- rmlatzWashington, DC
- rorycforster
- rsilverblatt88
- sahiltrikha
- salolsWashington, D.C.
- seanewest
- sparkapps
- thebkbuffaloSelf
- TimoorKurdiUnited States
- treeslikemedia
- yoshiemuranaka