
collection of tiny libs and tools i am building as i dig deeper into node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a collection of tiny libs and tools i build in vanilla node.js, with no npm, no external frameworks in order to get a deeper understanding of node and its inbuilt libraries. I will be penning down how i implemented some of these libs/tools



This is one of the tools i implemented while digging deeper into node.js. Built entirely in node.js with no external tools or libraries. This basically allows you to select from a list of options. This is not fully optimal and is for illustration/learning purpose.


How i built the select-options

The core of the program is the readline.emitKeyPressEvents(stream) method of the readline module.The readline module is one of the standard(inbuilt) node.js lib that enables you to read from the console. The readline.emitKeyPressEvents(stream) enables you to listen to keyboard events on a stream. The stream in our case is the standard input(we will be reading from the console), that is process.stdin. We can listen to input from the process.stdin by subscribing to the keypress event. That is process.stdin.on(keypress, keyPressedHandler). Below is a code sample for subscribing and listening to the keyboard event on the standard input.

    const input = process.stdin
    input.on('keypress', keyPressedHandler)

Now in the keyPressedHandler function we check to see which key was pressed. The keys we check include up key, down key, escape, ctrl+c and we handle the response appropriately as indicated in the code sample.

const keyPressedHandler = (_, key) => {
    if (key) {
        const optionLength = selectOption.options.length - 1 
        if ( key.name === 'down' && selectOption.selectIndex < optionLength) {
            selectOption.selectIndex += 1
        else if (key.name === 'up' && selectOption.selectIndex > 0 ) {
            selectOption.selectIndex -= 1
        else if (key.name === 'escape' || (key.name === 'c' && key.ctrl)) {

This code sample increase/decrease the selectIndex or quit the application based on the key pressed. The selectIndex will later be used as the index for choosing the selected option. Once we have the selectIndex we create the option Menu. The sample code for creating the option menu is indicated below.

selectOption.createOptionMenu = () => {
    const optionLength = selectOption.options.length
    if (selectOption.isFirstTimeShowMenu) {
        selectOption.isFirstTimeShowMenu = false
    else {

    const padding = selectOption.getPadding(20)
    const cursorColor = ansiColors(selectOption.selector, 'green')

    for (let i= 0; i < optionLength; i++) {
        const selectedOption = i === selectOption.selectIndex //1
                                ? `${cursorColor} ${selectOption.options[i]}` //2
                                : selectOption.options[i] //3
        const ending = i !== optionLength-1 ? '\n' : '' //4
        output.write(padding + selectedOption + ending) //5

The most important part of the sample code is the part labelled in the comment from 1 -5. What we are doing is selecting the chosen option by comparing selectIndex to i, our current iteration index. If they are the same then we concatenate our selector, indicated by * with the selected option else we just get the option at the current iteration. We then place each option(selected or unselected) option on a different line except the last one. We finally write to the console.

Additional code samples like

const ansiEraseLines = (count) => {
    //adapted from sindresorhus ansi-escape module
    const ESC = '\u001B['
    const eraseLine = ESC + '2K';
    const cursorUp = (count = 1) => ESC + count + 'A'
    const cursorLeft = ESC + 'G'

    let clear = '';

	for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		clear += eraseLine + (i < count - 1 ? cursorUp() : '');

	if (count) {
		clear += cursorLeft;

	return clear;


is used for creating a helper function to help us clear the console.

The code sample

const ansiColors = (text, color) => {
    const colors = {
        'green': 32,
        'blue': 34,
        'yellow': 33   
    if (colors[color]) `\x1b[${colors[color]}m${text}\x1b[0m`
    //default for colors not included
    return `\x1b[32m${text}\x1b[0m`


is used for generating console colors.

Read the full select-options source here to get a clear glimpse into how i implemented it.