Version v1.2.2
Copyright © 2012-2016 Martijn van der Lee ( MIT Open Source license applies.
Simple multiple select drop-in replacement with checkboxes.
- Standard look & feel; tries to match original multiple select.
- Click on any part of the item to select or deselect.
- (De)select by dragging with mouse button down.
- (De)select ranges by mouse click - shift+click.
- Respects selected state.
- Respects disabled state.
- Rich rendering of options possible.
- Triggers change() on original multiple select.
- Recognizes form reset.
- Readout original multiple select as normal (using .val()).
- Works for single selects as well.
jQuery v1.6.0 or higher required.
Current version:
Sourcecode on Github:
- Include the multiselect .css and .js files.
- Create a standard HTML multiple select element.
- Call
on the element. Options optional.
- width undefined
undefined (default): match original component exactly.
'fit': match original component width plus additional space to fit the checkbox.
numeric: use the specified amount of pixels.
css-units: use the specified css-units as-is.
- height undefined
undefined (default): match original component exactly.
numeric: use the specified amount of pixels.
css-units: use the specified css-units as-is.
- markChange false
if true, options are marked with semi-transparency when unchanged.
- min null
if specified, you cannot select less than the specified limit. Initially, less options may be selected, so make sure you doublecheck any forms that rely on this limit.
- max null
if specified, you cannot select more than the specified limit. Initially, more options may be selected, so make sure you doublecheck any forms that rely on this limit.
- showOption
Callback function that lets you provide rich text or HTML for an option.
The callback provides the original text, option value and index number of the option.
- multiple="multiple"
If specified, by default you can select anywhere from zero to all options.
If not specified, a single select is assumed where you can only select exactly one option.
- min=""
If specified, user cannot select less than the specified number of options.
This attribute overwrites the min option and/or multiple="multiple" attribute.
- max=""
If specified, user cannot select more than the specified number of options.
This attribute overwrites the min option and/or multiple="multiple" attribute.