Code for the paper "Accounting For Informative Sampling When Learning to Forecast Treatment Outcomes Over Time" (ICML 2023)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Accounting For Informative Sampling When Learning to Forecast Treatment Outcomes Over Time
T. Vanderschueren*, A. Curth*, W. Verbeke & M. van der Schaar (ICML 2023)

This repository provides the code for the paper "Accounting For Informative Sampling When Learning to Forecast Treatment Outcomes Over Time" (ICML 2023).

The structure of the code is as follows:

|_ data/
|_ experiments/
  |_ config.yml                     # Training config
|_ src/
  |_ models/
    |_ CDE_model.py                 # Code for TE-CDE and TESAR-CDE
  |_ utils/
    |_ cancer_simulation.py         # Generate the latent data
    |_ data_utils.py                # Preprocess observational data
    |_ losses.py                    # Loss functions 
    |_ process_irregular_data.py    # Informatively sample latent data to get observational data
    |_ training_tools.py            # Early stopping, dropout
main.py                             # Main executable to run experiment
trainer.py                          # Process data as tensors, fit model, make predictions


The requirements.txt provides the necessary packages. All code was written for python 3.7.9.

Weights and Biases (W&B) is required to log the experiments.


The experiments can be run through the main.pyfile using the following arguments:

python main.py
[--obs_coeff [informativeness coefficient]]
[--intensity_cov [number of covariates influencing the intensity, but not the outcome]]
[--intensity_cov_only [only include the intensity covariates]]
[--max_intensity [maximal intensity, i.e., observation probability]]
[--results_dir [path to directory to store results]]
[--model_name [final model name]]
[--load_dataset [boolean whether to load a saved version of the dataset from file]]
[--use_transformed [boolean whether to sample data]]
[--experiment [name of experiment yml]]
[--data_path [path to experiment data if loading one from a location]]
[--kappa [kappa parameter for the Hawkes process]]
[--iterations [number of iterations for the experiment]]
[--save_raw_datapath [path to save the raw dataset, so it can be reused to speed things up]]
[--save_transformed_datapath [path to save the transformed dataset, so it can be reused to speed things up]]

Example usage to train TESAR-CDE (Multitask) for informativeness $\gamma=6$:

python main.py --obs_coeff=6 --intensity_cov_only=False --num_patients=200 --importance_weighting=True --multitask=False


Our code builds upon the code for TE-CDE (Seedat et al. 2022).

Seedat, N., Imrie, F., Bellot, A., Qian, Z., & van der Schaar, M. (2022, June). Continuous-Time Modeling of Counterfactual Outcomes Using Neural Controlled Differential Equations. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 19497-19521). PMLR.


Please cite our paper and/or code as follows:

  title = 	 {{Accounting For Informative Sampling When Learning to Forecast Treatment Outcomes Over Time}},
  author =       {Vanderschueren, Toon and Alicia, Curth and Verbeke, Wouter and van der Schaar, Mihaela},
  booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning},
  year = 	 {2023},
  volume = 	 {202},
  series = 	 {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  publisher =    {PMLR},