
Final year project: Dataset gathered, cleaned, and customer classified. Administrator registers, logs in with credentials and OTP, enters customer details to evaluate churn status. Churn Reports can be downloaded, and Tableau provides interactive visualizations for feature correlation. For more details please find the Research Paper link in readme.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Research Paper :


Tech Used Tools Used
Python 3.0 Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Flask Framework Tableau DeskTop
HTML , CSS , JavaScript Jupyter Notebook
BootStrap 5 MySQL WorkBench
JQuery Chrome Browser
Machine Learning
Data Visualization
MySQL Database

System Modules

Home Page


Admin SignUp/Login Portal

Screenshot (8) Screenshot (9) Screenshot (7)

OTP Verification Page

Screenshot (10) Screenshot (11)

Administrator DashBoard


Bank Customer Churn Prediction Portal


Predict Churn Status After Entering Customer Data

image Screenshot (12)

Generating Bank Customer Churn Report.

Screenshot (13) Screenshot (14)

Credit Card Customer Churn Prediction Portal

Screenshot (15)

Generating Report On Customer With Credit Card Services

Screenshot (16)

Bank Customer Churn Analysis- Data Visualization Using Tableau Storyboarding

Demographic Variables - Analysis through Visual exploration of Data

Screenshot (18)

Comparative Analysis: Churn vs No-Churn

Screenshot (17)

Customers With Credit Card Services Churn Analysis- Data Visualization Using Tableau Storyboarding

Comparing Demographic Variables

Screenshot (19)

Comparative Analysis: Churn vs No-Churn

Screenshot (20)

Flask Framework (Static and Template Files VSCode Platform)


MySQL Database Management for Admin data and Customer data

image image

Jupyter Notebook


Screenshot (21) Screenshot (22)