
Repo for analysis of main architectures in VQA

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

How Modular Should Neural Module Networks Be for Systematic Generalization

This repository contains the original code used in the following paper: Vanessa D’Amario, Tomotake Sasaki, and Xavier Boix. How Modular Should Neural Module Networks Be for Systematic Generalization? In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021), 2021.

The code is entirely in Python. The requirements to run the code are at

This code is highly inspired by the work of Bahdanau et al.

"CLOSURE: Assessing Systematic Generalization of CLEVR Models" https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.05783.pdf, from which we forked the repo https://github.com/rizar/CLOSURE


"SYSTEMATIC GENERALIZATION: WHAT IS REQUIRED AND CAN IT BE LEARNED? https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.12889.pdf, from with we forked the repo https://github.com/rizar/systematic-generalization-sqoop

The repo is divided in several sub-folders. In all of them, we compare different variants of NMNs with different modularity and further non-modular networks.

CLOSURE-master: all the experiments of the CLEVR datasets.

experiment_1: single object in the scene, single NMN block. E.g., VQA question: Is the object red?

experiment_2: one object per scene, two scenes in total, comparison, 3 NMN blocks in a tree configuration. E.g., question: Is 6 the same color of 7? (data generation in progress). (All the runs of experiment_2 are generated through the code in experiment_4)

experiment_3: multiple objects per scene, single NMN block, same question as experiment_1

experiment_4: multiple objects per scene, single NMN block, comparison as in experiment 2 (data generation in progress)

original_library: SQOOP experiments, from Bahdanau, and two objects per scene case.


We trained and tested several NMNs: we generate different NMNs by changing the parameters in the experiments.py files. We use these architectures across all the experiment_*


Through the main.py, for each case (experiment_*) we generate the dataset, we specify the hyper-parameters for the experiments (everything gets saved in a json file, each experiment in the json has its unique identifier), we train those networks and test them. The pipeline is customized to run on a cluster, but it can be easily adapt by changing the *sh files. You can modify the output_path in the main.py file.

Check the path in main.py

Change output_path

Dataset generation

Data can be generated using the *.sh scripts. The split from MNIST is needed, look at the reproducibility section.

Generate new experiments

We go in the experiment_* folder (should better be called case_* folder, among the four)

python main.py --host-filesystem ** --experiment_index 0 --run gen_exp

The output of this operation is a folder : results, containing a train.json file, with all the necessary params to train a specific network on a dataset (In case of experiment_2 you need to create a new folder, as all the code for dataset generation and training is in experiment_4) Before this call, we need to specify the architecture hyper-parameters and the datasets, in experiments.py (dict_method_type dictionary)

Parameters to change in dict_method_type (experiments.py)

In the following
parameters to change in the variable dict_method_type The architecture_name does not appear anywhere in the code, but helps as a reference. The other keys in this dictionary do not change across experiment, we specify only those that must be modified.

all - all - all

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "find",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": False,   
                      "separated_module": False,  
                      "separated_classifier": False  

all - group - group

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "find",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": False,  
                      "separated_module": True,  
                      "separated_classifier": True  

group - group - group

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "find",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,   
                      "separated_stem": True,  
                      "separated_module": True,  
                      "separated_classifier": True  

sub-task - sub-task - sub-task

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "residual",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depends on the dataset),    
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": True,  
                      "separated_module": True,  
                      "separated_classifier": True  

all - sub-task - all

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "residual",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": False,  
                      "separated_module": False,  
                      "separated_classifier": False 

all(bn) - all - all(bn)

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "find",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 1,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 1,  
                      "separated_stem": False,   
                      "separated_module": False,  
                      "separated_classifier": False  

all(bn) - sub-task - all(bn)

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "residual",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 1,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 1,  
                      "separated_stem": False,  
                      "separated_module": False,  
                      "separated_classifier": False  

all - sub-task/group - all

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "mixed",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": False,  
                      "separated_module": True,  
                      "separated_classifier": False  

sub-task - sub-task/group - all

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "mixed",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": True,  
                      "separated_module": True,  
                      "separated_classifier": False  

group - all - all

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "find",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": True,  
                      "separated_module": False,  
                      "separated_classifier": False 

sub-task - all - all
optional flag in module_per_subtask=True

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "find",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": True,  
                      "separated_module": False,  
                      "separated_classifier": False 

all - all - group

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "find",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": False,  
                      "separated_module": False,  
                      "separated_classifier": True  

all - all - sub-task
optional flag in module_per_subtask=True

dict_method_type = {"use_module": "find",  
                      "feature_dim": # input dimensions (depend on the dataset),  
                      "stem_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "classifier_batchnorm": 0,  
                      "separated_stem": False,  
                      "separated_module": False,  
                      "separated_classifier": True  

feature_dim = [3, 28, 28] if experiment_1 and experiment_2 feature_dim = [3, 64, 64] if experiment_3 and experiment_4

Parameters to change in experiments.py

In experiments.py there are some further variables which are important for the experiment generation phase.

experiment_case_list, typically set to [1], this variable can be [0] in case we want to generate a multi-task problem, or [2], in the case of an enlarged VQA task
lr_array, list of learning rates, typical values [5e-3, 1e-3, 1e-4], or [1e-1, 1e-2, 5e-3, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5]
batch_list, list of batch sizes, 64, 128, 256, 512 are typical values, depending on the size of the dataset
dataset_dict, dictionary containing the dataset name, e.g.,


Run experiments

python main.py --host-filesystem _**_ --experiment_index _experiment_id_ --run train An important flag here, in case the experiment did not train for the specified amount of iterations, is
load_model (bool), if False, we train from scratch. Otherwise, we load the model at last iteration ./results/train_(experiment_id)/model, as we start the training from there.

SQOOP experiments

Run the code using the *.sh scripts in the sqoop-systematic-generalization_2objects folder (first commands are referred to the cluster and the use of singularity image).

CLEVR experiments

Download the data as described here https://github.com/rizar/CLOSURE

Read and use the launch_features_extraction.sh

Run the code using the *.sh scripts (first commands are referred to the cluster and the use of singularity image)


Datasets and models trained on the CLEVR-CoGenT and CLEVR datasets are available at this link https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/Z0RZ0K

In particular:

sqoop-no_crowding-variety_1-repeat_30000 contains the SQOOP dataset with two objects per image

MNIST_splits contains MNIST splits for VQA-MNIST generation

CoGenT_* contain five repetition for * model trained on CoGenT Condition A and the test output over Condition A and Condition B

CLEVR_CLOSURE_VectorNMN_ours contains the five repetition of our Vector-NMN with modular image encoder and a subfolder with the performance on the CLOSURE dataset