A tool for finding images inside of other images. The purpose of this tool was to use a camera to determine if a door on a henhouse is open or not (hence the test images). When it comes to home automation, this method tends to be more reliable than using a battery powered sensor.
# One-off CLI call
$ docker run \
--rm \
--tty \
ghcr.io/vangorra/image_match:main \
match \
--reference-dir "./reference/chicken_door" \
--sample-url "rtsp://" \
--crop-x 0.0 \
--crop-y 0.6 \
--crop-width 0.05 \
--crop-height 0.15
# Fetch a cropped reference image
# When placed in a loop over time, is useful for gathering a corpus of reference images.
$ docker run \
--rm \
--tty \
ghcr.io/vangorra/image_match:main \
fetch \
--output-file "./my_new_reference_image.png" \
--sample-url "rtsp://" \
--crop-x 0.0 \
--crop-y 0.6 \
--crop-width 0.05 \
--crop-height 0.15
Create config.yaml
# debug: False
# Directory containing images that are references of what is to be searched for.
# Each reference image will be iterated until one or none matches.
reference_dir: "./reference/chicken_door" # Required
# Supports static images from URL, static images from filesystem, or RTSP streams (grabs first frame).
sample_url: "rtsp://" # Required
# Cropping the sample helps speed up matching and increases confidence in matches.
# match_mode: flann # (flann or brute_force) default: flann
# match_confidence: 0.9 # default: 0.9
x: 0.0 # default: 0.0
y: 0.6 # default: 0.0
width: 0.05 # default: 1.0
height: 0.15 # default: 1.0
$ docker run \
--rm \
--tty \
--name image_match \
--volume <path to config.yaml>:/config.yaml:ro \
--publish 5000:5000 \
--interactive \
ghcr.io/vangorra/image_match:main serve --config /config.yaml
$ curl http://localhost:5000/match/chicken_door
# Install pipx.
$ sudo apt install pipx
# Build
$ ./scripts/build.sh
# Test
$ ./scripts/test.sh
# Build/test
# The CI argument simluates the build on github. As in, static analysis will check code but not change it.
$ docker build --tag image_match --build-arg CI=1 .
# Run
$ docker run --rm image_match