
Chinese Chess for Kindle

Primary LanguageJava

Version History

     Changes in Version 0.1.0

            1. Added "checked mate" message to remind user to save the King instead of misleading "invalid move" message.

            2. Fix the Bug that player can select a position outside the right edge of the chessboard.

            3. Changed the menu description from "Puzzle" to a more meaningful "Choose a Chess Puzzle".

            4. Added a play game time at the bottom of the screen.

      Changes in Version 0.1.1

            1. Changed the display Game Time from second to minute - Avoid drain the battery power.

            2. Stop the Game Time if the game is over.

            3. Fix the Title problem by changing the manifest.mf file.

      Installation instruction

	1. Delete the old file "KindleChineseChess" with "azw2" extension from your Kindle.

	2. Unzip the file if it is zipped.

	3. Just copy the new "azw2" extension file to your Kindle.