Testing and Improving the Correctness of Wi-Fi Frame Injection

1. Introduction

This repository contains a script to test the correctness of Wi-Fi frame injection. Summarized, we found that commodity Wi-Fi dongles may improperly inject frames under certain conditions, which may interfere with scripts, experiments, or securiy tests. To overcome (some of) these issues, we updated the Linux kernel and RadioTap standard. Our updates are part of the Linux kernel since v5.11 and are part of Scapy since v2.4.3.

To more reliably inject Wi-Fi frames, use the following RadioTap header in Scapy:

# Use the following RadoTap flags for more reliable and correct frame injection
radiotap = RadioTap(present="TXFlags", TXFlags="NOSEQ+ORDER")

# Example frame injection using the above RadioTap header
dot11 = Dot11(addr1="00:11:22:33:44")/Dot11Deauth(reason=7)

Notice how the NOSEQ and ORDER tranmission flag (TXFlags) are set. By setting these flags, the sequence number of injected frames isn't modified, and injected frames are not reordered relative to each other, respectively. Note that these flags are only adhired to from Linux kernel 5.11 and above.

Unfortunately, drivers or network cards may still overwrite fields of injected Wi-Fi frames. To test whether frames are properly injected, you can use the script in this repository.

Be sure to also see our notes on the acknowledgement behavior of interfaces in monitor mode, and how to to inject frames with the More Fragments (MF) flag.

For further details, see the our paper Testing and Improving the Correctness of Wi-Fi Frame Injection. If you are using our injection and RadioTap improvements, you can use the following BibTex entry to cite the paper:

	author = {Mathy Vanhoef and Xianjun Jiao and Wei Liu and Ingrid Moerman},
	title = {Testing and Improving the Correctness of {Wi-Fi} Frame Injection},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16\textsuperscript{th} ACM Conference on Security
		and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec~'23)},
	year = {2023},
	month = may,
	publisher = {ACM}

2. Common Injection Issues

For details on issues with frame injection on Linux, see the our 6-page paper Testing and Improving the Correctness of Wi-Fi Frame Injection. The following is a summary of some practical issues you might encounted when using Wi-Fi frame injection to perform experiments. We also discuss some open problems.

2.1. Pure vs mixed monitor mode

How a network card is configured impacts how frames are injected. For instance, it impacts whether the network card will retransmit frames, or wether it will send acknowledgements in response to recieved frames. There are two mains ways in which a Wi-Fi network interface can be used in practise on Linux: in pure monitor mode or mixed monitor mode. This difference depends on whether virtual Wi-Fi interfaces or used or not.

What are virtual interfaces? Linux has the ability to use a network card normally, for instance as a client or access point, while simultaneously operating the device in monitor mode. This is implemented using virtual interfaces: one virtual interface implements the usual client or AP behavior, while a second virtual interface can be used to monitor and inject Wi-Fi frames. This makes it possible to reuse client or AP functionality in experiments, to then inject custom frames when needed.

When the network card is only used by (virtual) interfaces in monitor mode, then we say that the network card is operating in pure monitor mode. When the network card is used by one or more (virtual) interfaces in any other non-monitor mode (e.g. client or AP mode), and is also by one or more (virtual) interfaces in monitor mode, then we say that the network card is operating in mixed monitor mode. In case of mixed monitor mode, the term non-monitor interface(s) refers to the interfaces that are operating in client or access point mode (or any other non-monitor mode).

2.2. Acknowledgements

Acknowledgements in pure monitor mode: most network cards will not acknowledge frames when used in pure monitor mode. This can be problematic in certain experiments. For instance, the Hostapd daemon on Linux to start an Access Point (AP) requires that the association response is acknowledged. If the association response is not acknowledged, Hostapd will disconnect the client from the AP. Since it's impossible to send acknowledgement frames fast enough in user space, this makes it impossible to test Hostapd on Linux when manually implementing the association procedure in user space.

One way to overcome this problem is to put the network mode into active monitor mode using the iw tool:

sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo iw wlan0 set type monitor
sudo iw wlan0 set monitor active
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

However, at the time of writing, only the mt76 and mt7601u support active monitor mode. You can see which drivers support active monitor mode by seeing which drivers advertise the NL80211_FEATURE_ACTIVE_MONITOR feature.

A second alternative to assure that frames are acknowledge is to mixed monitor mode with one virtual interface in client or AP mode and the second interface in monitor mode. Ideally a virtual AP interface is used because you can more easily assure it stays on the same channel. You can use the following code for this:

sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo iw wlan0 interface add wlan0mon type monitor
sudo iw wlan0 set type __ap
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo iw wlan0 ap start somessid 2462 10000 1 head 80000000000000000000c4e984dbfb7bc4e984dbfb7b0000000000000000000064000000
sudo ifconfig wlan0mon up

In the "ap start" command, replace the two repeating string c4e984dbfb7b with the MAC address of the wlan0 interface. In the above case, wlan0 is put into AP mode so that frames towards its MAC address will be acknowledged. The other virtual interface wlan0mon can then be used to monitor Wi-Fi traffic and to inject Wi-Fi frames. For more information on the ap start command see the start_ap function in libwifi.

2.3. More Fragments (MF) flag

Some network cards, such as the the Intel AC-3160 and Alfa AWUS036ACM did not properly transmit injected frames with the More Fragments (MF) flag set. This can be solved by, after injecting the frame with the MF flag set, immediately injecting a dummy frame witout the MF flag. With the AWUS036ACM, this dummy frame must also have the same QoS TID as the injected frame, but all other fields of the dummy frame did not matter.

The above work-around is implemented in our injection tests. In particular, the driver of the network cards is detected, and the dummy frame is injected when needed:

# Workaround to properly inject fragmented frames (and prevent it from blocking Tx queue).
driver_out = get_device_driver(iface_out)
sout.mf_workaround = driver_out in ["iwlwifi", "ath9k_htc", "rt2800usb"]
if sout.mf_workaround:
	log(WARNING, f"Detected {driver_out}, using workaround to reliably inject fragmented frames.")


# Note: this workaround for Intel is only needed if the fragmented frame is injected using
#       valid MAC addresses. But for simplicity just execute it after any fragmented frame.
if sout.mf_workaround and toinject.FCfield & Dot11(FCfield="MF").FCfield != 0:
	fix = Dot11(type=p.type, subtype=p.subtype)
	# Note: for the RT5572 the workaround is always needed. Additionally, we need to send
	#       the dummy frame using the same QoS TID. Just use same QoD TID for all devices.
	if Dot11QoS in p:
		fix = fix/Dot11QoS(TID=p[Dot11QoS].TID)
	sout.send(RadioTap(present="TXFlags", TXFlags="NOSEQ+ORDER")/fix)
	log(STATUS, f"Sending dummy frame after injecting frame with MF flag set: {repr(fix)}")

Summarized, when injecting frames with the More Fragments flag, you may have to implement a similar workaround where a dummy frame is injected aftwards (otherwise the frame with the MF flag may not be properly transmitted).

2.4. Other issues

  • The order of injected frames may also be changed in both pure and mixed monitor mode. In particular, frames with different QoS TID values, i.e., with different priorities, may get reordered before they are transmitted. This can be avoided by using the new ORDER TXFlag in the RadioTap header, though not all drivers may properly adhire to this flag.

  • The Linux kernel overwrites the sequence number of injected frames in mixed monitor mode. This can be avoided by using the NOSEQ TXFlag. However, some network cards may also overwrite the sequence or fragment number in their driver or firmware code. To remedy that you would need patched driver or firmware code.

  • We experienced that some network cards are unable to send frames that have the "More Fragments" flag set in the Control Field. These frames don't get transmitted at all. For instance, the rt2800usb driver seems unable to inject such frames both in pure and mixed monitor mode. Addressing this would required patched driver or firmware code.

  • For other examples see our paper.

2.5. Open Problems

Some known injection problems that have not yet been fixed are:

  • With the mac80211_hwsim driver to create simulated Wi-Fi interfaces, frames with a spoofed sender address are not being transmitted when operating in mixed monitor mode.

  • The rt2800usb driver, at least when combined with an RT5572 Wireless Adapter, is unable to inject frames that have the "More Fragment" flag set. These frames are silently dropped.

  • The default firmware of ath9k_htc network cards will overwrite the sequence and fragment number of injected frames, both in pure and mixed monitor mode. Use patched firmware to fix this injection issue.

  • The firmware of the Intel AX200 and Intel Tiger Lake PCH CNVi WiFi crashes when injecting a frame with the More Fragments flag set. This happens in both pure and mixed monitor mode.

  • When putting the Intel Tiger Lake PCH CNVi WiFi into pure monitor mode, you have to wait roughly 30 seconds before it starts recieving frames. Switching back and forth between mixed managed and pure monitor causes it not to receive frames at all in monitor mode. It cannot inject frames in mixed monitor mode, at least before authentication. In pure monitor mode it was unable to inject EAPOL frames and it overwrites the sequence and fragment number. Do not use this card.

  • I haven't experimented with this yet, but it would be interesting to test if a network card in monitor mode might also reorder recieved frames that have a different QoS TID priority. If that would happen, our reorder tests may not be reliable, because it may be the monitor interface that is reordering frames and not the interface that is transmitting frames!

3. Prerequisites

The injection test tool was tested on Ubuntu 22.04. To install the required dependencies, execute:

# Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git macchanger net-tools virtualenv rfkill

Then clone this repository and its submodules, and configure a virtual python3 environment so the correct scapy library will be used:

git clone https://github.com/vanhoefm/wifi-injection.git --recursive
cd wifi-injection

The above instructions only have to be executed once. After pulling in new code it's recommended to execute ./pysetup.sh again so that any new Python dependencies will be loaded. Pull in new code using:

git update
git submodule update

4. Testing Injection

You should disable Wi-Fi in your network manager so it will not interfere with the test tool. On Ubuntu you can do this using nmcli radio wifi off. Otherwise the network manager of Ubuntu will interfere with the test tool.

We also recommend to unplug and then plug the Wi-Fi dongle back in before running the injection tests. Other tools might have created virtual interface that could infere with the injection tests, and unplugging the dongle with remove them. If you are testing the build-in network card of your computer, consider first rebooting.

The basic execution of the test tool is as follows:

sudo su
source venv/bin/activate
./test-injection.py wlan0

All possible parameters are discussed below.

4.1. Self-test vs. real transmission tests

If you don't have a second network card that supports monitor mode, you can perform an injection self-test. This self-test can detect if the Linux kernel or driver interferes with frame injection, but it cannot check the actual transmission behaviour of the network card itself. You can perform a self-test as follows:

./test-injection.py wlan0

If you have a second network card, that can be used to monitor the actual transmission of frames. It's strongly recommend to test frame injection with a second network card. You can execute such a test as follows:

./test-injection.py wlan0 wlan1

Here wlan0 will be used to inject frames and wlan1 will be used to see whether injected frames are being properly transmitted by wlan0.

By default the script will use channel 1 for the tests. If you want to use a different channel you can use:

./test-injection.py wlan0 wlan1 --channel 11

It's strongly recommended to use a channel that is not actively used by others. Any background noise will reduce the reliability of the tests. In case all channels are actively used, the only alternative is to run the test multiple times.

4.2. Active pure monitor mode

By default pure monitor mode injection will be tested. You can also test whether the network cards supports active pure monitor mode, in which case it should acknowledge frames sent towards it. You can test active pure monitor mode injection as follows:

./test-injection.py wlan0 [wlan1] --active [--channel 11]

4.3. Mixed monitor mode

To test whether a network card properly injects frames in mixed monitor mode, you can execute one of the following two commands:

./test-injection.py wlan0 [wlan1] --ap [--channel 11]
./test-injection.py wlan0 [wlan1] --client [--channel 11]

The first commend test the case where wlan0 operates in client (managed) mode and frames are injected using the (newly created) wlan0mon monitor interface. The second command is similar but puts the wlan0 interface in AP mode.

4.4. Mixed monitor mode injection during or after authentication

Testing the correctness of frame injection in mixed monitor mode while a client is (or has been) authenticated to an AP is not supported by this script. To perform such tests, use the --inject-test and --inject-test-postauth parameters of the FragAttacks testing script.

4.5. Interpreting test results

The test script will give detailed output on which tests succeeded or failed, and will conclude by outputting either ==> The most important tests have been passed successfully or a message indicating that either important tests failed or that it couldn't capture certain injected frames.

Note that the injection scripts only test the most important behaviour. The best way to confirm that injection is properly working in your own experiments is to used a second monitor device and manually check if frames are properly being transmitted as you expect.

When certain injected frames could not be captured, this may either be because of background noise, or because the network card being tested is unable to properly inject certain frames (e.g. the firmware of the Intel AX200 crashes when injecting fragmented frames). It could also be that frames are in fact properly injected, but that the network card used to monitor whether frames are injected properly (wlan1 in the above examples) is not reliable and is, for example, missing most frames due to background noise. Try running the tests on a different channel as well.

4.6. Manual testing notes

When using wireshark to inspect the injection behaviour of a device it is recommended to use a second device in pure monitor mode to see how frames are being transmitted.

In case you open the interface used to inject frames then you will see injected frames twice: (1) first you see the frame as injected by whatever tool is sending it, and then (2) a second time by how the frame was transmitted by the driver. These two frames may slightly differ if the kernel overwrote certain fields. If you only see an injected frame once it may have been dropped by the kernel.