
So_long, its a simple 2D game and one of the first graphical projects in 42 Wolfsburg.

Primary LanguageC


It's a simple 2D game and one of the first graphical projects in the 42 Wolfsburg .

Here are the usefull resorces that I use right now to create this game

  1. https://harm-smits.github.io/42docs/libs/minilibx - Understand the basics of the MiniLibX lib, how to use ...

  2. https://www.pixilart.com/draw - Very usefull web service to create your own pixel textures in png format.

  3. https://convertio.co - Service which allows you convert your pictures to the XPM format , because the MiniLibX can read only this format .

  4. https://www.imageconvert.org/png-to-xpm - Another service for convertation

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eAPbNUQD1Y&t=936s - Video that helps me to understand better , how to work with MiniLibX , this does not related to the so_long project but anyway for me was helpfull.