
Insert namespace for current file

Primary LanguagePHP

Vim Namespace

Plugin which guesses the namespace of the current file from composer.json.

Note that the algorithm for determining the namespace is not 100% accurate (although it could be) but it should work in the majority of cases.

It should work with both psr-0 and psr-4 projects.


With Vundle:

Plugin "dantleech/vim-phpnamespace"


Map it:

nnoremap <silent><leader>nn :call PhpNamespaceInsert()<CR>

Call it:

let s:foo = PhpNamespaceGet()

Integration with Ultisnips

Use it with ultisnips to generate class / interface templates:

snippet interface "Interface declaration template" !b

namespace ${1:`!v PhpNamespaceGet()`};

interface ${1:`!v expand("%:t:r")`}

snippet class "Class declaration template" !b

namespace ${1:`!v PhpNamespaceGet()`};

class ${1:`!v expand("%:t:r")`}