Top Rated Animes


Simple mobile SPA that shows the current anime rank. You can filter by name and see more information about them.

Built With

  • React.
  • Redux.
  • JavaScript.
  • Jest
  • Jikan API

Live view

  • Follow the link to see the deployed page!


  • Link to video on the features.


  • In the terminal go to the folder you going to work and write the next.
git clone
  • Next go to VS Code editor and open the folder where you installed the repository.


  • Clone the repo.

  • Run npm install on your terminal.

  • Run npm run build on your terminal.

  • Open the terminal in your machine and run npm start to start server.


👤 Mauro Vasconcelos

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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