
Bencode Encoder and Decoder made using haskell.

Primary LanguageHaskell


Bencode Encoder and Decoder made using haskell.

Bencode (pronounced like Bee-encode) is the encoding used by the peer-to-peer file sharing system BitTorrent for storing and transmitting loosely structured data.[1] It supports four different types of values: byte strings, integers, lists, and dictionaries associative arrays.

Bencoding is most commonly used in torrent files, and as such is part of the BitTorrent specification. These metadata files are simply bencoded dictionaries.

This project decoded and encodes from and to Bencode with support for the 4 datatypes. Format : Strings: Decoded: "example" Encoded: "7:example"

Integers: Decoded: 42 Encoded: "i42e"

Lists: Decoded: ["foo", 123] Encoded: "l3:fooi123ee"

Dictionaries: Decoded: {"bar": "baz", "foo": 42} Encoded: "d3:bar3:baze3:fooi42ee"