A real-time Chat Application
User Stories
- User can log in to a Room by entering a UserName and Room Name --If the room does not exist, a new room is created. Else, the user joins other users on the room. --If UserName already exists, the user will be prompted to enter a new UserName
- User enters Room and he can actually see all the users in the specific room on the sidebar.
- User can send a message to all users in the specific room. This message is emitted to all the users in the room
- User can leave the room by closing the window. The user name no longer appears on the side bar user list
Technical Design and Architecture
- Use of Websocket for realtime update of information from Server to Client, using, which uses the Observer Design Pattern.
How to run the app locally
npm run start
How it works
Live Version of Application
Next Steps
- Frontend using React
- Improve it to become a copy of Slack