Python client for
pip install colorama pip install termcolor pip install requests
Usage: -w object or --wash object Wash some object -f object or --find object Find some object --serverlist Print a list with the Servers If you have no idea for an object you can generate one with --object Example: -f --object
- MeikoDis creator of
- Revengeday for the Pointlessword API
- fliiiix for the ruby client
"HEY I'M A LICENSE"-LICENSE Version 1, June 2013 Copyright (C) 2013 vanita5 <> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. "HEY I'M A LICENSE"-LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. If you do not care about me just go ahead and do what the fuck you want with my stuff. 1. Else if you are a nice person and/or like what you see, it would be nice, if you attribute me as the original author. 2. Else if you are crazy as fuck, buy me something you like. (No one will ever do this). 3. return NULL