Dear markers,

The features in this dataset come from the accelerometer and gyroscope 3-axial raw signals tAcc-XYZ and tGyro-XYZ.

The "run_analysis" R script proccesses the given raw data through these steps:

  1. merge train dataset and test dataset, and get "all_sub", "all_y" and "all_X"

  2. select variables containing required strings from "all_X", and get "select_X"

  3. merge "all_sub", "all_y" and "select_X" into a complete dataframe

  4. other minor adjustments, such as renaming column names, before write.table

The variable names(except "subject_id" and "activities", which are already explicitly descriptive) are constituted by four parts. For example, "tBodyAcc-mean()-X" is made by prefix "t"(time), "BodyAcc"(Body Acceleration), "mean()"(how variables are estimated from this signal, in this case, by mean value), and "X"(the value on X axis/direction).

Detailed explanation about all constructing elements of variables is covered in the codebook.

In order for you to conveniently assess my code, it would be nice of you to:

  1. download the data for the project:

  2. unzip it and set "/UCI HAR Dataset"as the working directory.

  3. run the script "run_analysis.R" to produce "tidy.txt" in the above directory.

  4. use the following code to read "tidy.txt" for your evaluation and grading: tidy <- read.table("./tidy.txt", header=T, sep="",

Thank you for your time!