
Quake 3 Arena Server Log Parser

Primary LanguageRust

Quake 3 Arena Server Log Parser


Not all decisions used here should be used always and everywhere, consider that they are only to demonstrate knowledge, with educational purposes. Some implementations are expected to be considered "over-engineering" just to parse a log. In a real world, it could be much simpler.

Features, libraries and functions used

  • Cargo profile.release was configured for better performance.
  • Crate memmap for memory mapped file, resulting in fast file reading.
  • Crate mimalloc allocator has excellent performance and reduces memory fragmentation.
  • Function from_str_unchecked for fast String allocation.
  • Crate ahash for fast HashMap implementation.
  • Crate rayon to parallelize CPU-bound processing.
  • Crate once_cell to allow static lazy load.
  • Crate strum to easy enum persistence.
  • Crate regex using named captures to parse the log file.
  • Crate clap for command line argument parser.
  • Function mem::take to fast-changing ownership.
  • Use of static Mutex to static mutate state.
  • serde_json with feature preserve_order, default behavior sort the field name of the json object.


  • Use of very decoupled structures to facilitate maintenance and testing.
  • Parser is aware just of the type of the log event.
  • Analyzer invokes the parser and updates the Match Accumulator.
  • Match Accumulator is decoupled from Parser and Analyzer.
  • Definition of new type pattern Player to enforce usage of this type, where methods receive arguments as impl Into<Player>.
  • Parser is a trait, that could be used in different parser implementations, useful for testing and maintenance.
  • Report is also a Trait, so it is easy to change the report output.


Generate report for players ranking:

cargo run --

Generate report for kills by means:

cargo run -- --kbm