
Query your local network for DLNA media renderers and have them play media

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Query your local network for DLNA media renderers and have them play media

Note: dlnacasts3 is a fork of rslavin abandonned dlnacasts2 (itself based on grunjol's dlnacasts). It has been updated for security reasons, including some hotfixes from contributors (see commit list). API (and code) based on mafintosh/chromecasts for DLNA.

Updating from 0.x.x to 1.x.x

Breaking changes:

  • const list = dlnacasts() will no longer trigger a list.update()
  • player.on('status', status) has changed, see below
  • volume API changed, it is now player.getVolume and player.setVolume


npm install dlnacasts3

then in your JS files:

const dlnacasts = require('dlnacasts3')()

dlnacasts.on('update', function (player) {
  console.log('all players: ', dlnacasts.players)
  player.play('http://example.com/my-video.mp4', {title: 'my video', type: 'video/mp4'})


const list = dlnacasts()

Creates a dlna list.


Updates the player list by querying the local network for DLNA renderer instances.

list.on('update', player)

Emitted when a new player is found on the local network

player.play(url, [opts], cb)

Make the player play a url. Options include:

  title: 'My movie',
  type: 'video/mp4',
  dlnaFeatures: 'DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=01100000000000000000000000000000', // this enables seeking in some dlna devices like LG WebOS
  seek: seconds, // start by seeking to this offset
  subtitles: ['http://example.com/sub.vtt'], // subtitle track 1,
  autoSubtitles: true // enable first track if you provide subs

player.subtitles(track, [cb])

Enable subtitle track. Use player.subtitles(false) to disable subtitles


Make the player pause playback


Resume playback


Stop the playback

player.seek(seconds, [cb])

Seek the video


Get a status of what's playing on the renderer. Similar to player.on('status', cb) event but manually triggered


Get the volume of the renderer

player.setVolume(<volume>, [cb])

Set the volume on the renderer

player.on('status', status)

Emitted when a status object is received.

status Object()

  currentTime: 122, // time in seconds (122 = 00:02:02)
  playerState: "PAUSED_PLAYBACK", // player State: see below
  volume: {
    level: 0.1  // 0.1 corresponds to 10 on a scale of 100

status.playerState could be one of :

  'PLAYING', // player is playing a video (player.pause() to pause)
  'STOPPED',  // player was quit by user
  'PAUSED_PLAYBACK', // player was paused (player.play() to continue)
  'NO_MEDIA_PRESENT', // usually after a 'STOPPED'
  'TRANSITIONNING' // DLNA renderer is loading something
