Fake it ‘till you make it: Generating synthetic data with high utility in R

Privacy and confidentiality constraints often prevent or complicate the open dissemination of research data. In such instances, synthetic data can provide a solution, by replacing real observations with synthetic values. In this session, you will learn how to generate synthetic data and evaluate its utility and disclosure risks.


Time Duration What Link
13:30 00:20 Intro Slides
13:50 00:30 Practical 1 Practical
14:20 00:10 Break
14:30 00:15 Lecture
14:45 00:40 Practical 2 Practical
15:25 00:05 Closing + end

Contact information

Name email
Thom Volker t.b.volker@uu.nl
Erik-Jan van Kesteren e.vankesteren1@uu.nl