whitelist repo for SONM project

This repo contains list of docker images allowed to executed by anonymous customer on SONM.

Examples for task.yaml are provided (see below)

Docker hello-world

Docker image: hello-world:latest

Nginx webserver

Docker image: nginx:latest

Monero CPU miner

Docker image: [sonm/monero-cpu:latest]



docker build -t sonm/monero-cpu:latest ./monero-cpu

Enviroment variables:

XMR_ADDR - XMR wallet for mined funds, required parameter 
XMR_POOL - mining pool address, default: "xmr-eu1.nanopool.org:14444"
WORKER   - worker name, default: "sonm_worker"

Monero GPU miner (NVidia CUDA)

Docker image: sonm/monero-cuda:latest


docker build -t sonm/monero-cuda:latest ./monero-cuda

Environemt variables:

WALLET - wallet for mined funds, required parameter 
POOL   - mining pool address, default: "xmr-eu1.nanopool.org:14444"
WORKER - worker name, default: "sonm_worker"

Monero GPU miner (AMD)

Docker image sonm/monero-amd:latest.


docker build -t sonm/monero-amd:latest ./monero-amd

Environemt variables:

WALLET - wallet for mined funds, required parameter 
POOL   - mining pool address (SSL only), default: "xmr-eu1.nanopool.org:14433"
WORKER - worker name, default: "sonm_worker"

Zcash GPU miner (NVidia CUDA)


docker build -t sonm/zcash-cuda-ewfb:latest ./zcash-cuda-ewfb

Docker image: sonm/zcash-cuda-ewfb:latest

Enviroment variables:

ZEC_ADDR - your ZEC address, required parameter
WORKER   - worker name, default: "sonm_worker"
EMAIL    - email of account, optional

ZCash GPU miner (AMD)


docker build -t sonm/zcash-amd:latest ./zcash-amd

Docker image sonm/zcash-amd.

Enviroment variables:

WALLET - wallet for mined funds, required parameter
POOL   - mining pool address, default: "zec-eu1.nanopool.org:6666"
WORKER - worker name, default: "sonm_worker"

Ethereum Claymore miner (Both AMD and NVidia)

Docker image: sonm/eth-claymore:latest

Enviroment variables:

WALLET - your ethereum address for mined funds, required
POOL   - ethereum mining pool, default: "eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999"
WORKER - worker name, default: "sonm_worker"
EMAIL  - your email, optional

Claymore Ethereum dual miner (Eth+pasc)

Docker image: sonm/clm-eth-pasc-opencl:latest

enviroment variables:

ETH_POOL    - ethereum mining pool (e.g. `eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999`)
ETH_ADDR    - your ethereum address
ETH_WORKER  - name of current ethereum worker (`any string`)
ETH_EMAIL   - your email for ethereum miner

PASC_POOL   - pascal mining pool (e.g. `eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999`)
PASC_ADDR   - your pascal address address
PASC_WORKER - name of current pascal worker (`any string`)
PASC_EMAIL  - your email for pascal worker

Redshift 3D renderer (NVidia CUDA only)

Docker image: sonm/redshift3d:latest

Enviroment variables:

URL       - points to the archive, containing .rs file, textures and other supplementary files, 
            needed to render. Optional, if omitted, official benchmark scene Vultures.rs is used.
FILE      - .rs file in archive to render. If omitted, the first .rs file in archive is used
PARAMS    - redshift specific params, optional.
BENCHMARK - if not empty, perform benchmark run instead of rendering.