We are from fit@hcmus, and this repository stores our projects for the Operating Systems (CSC10007) course.
In this course, we implemented NachOS - a small operating system that was developed as a teaching tool to help students understand the basics of operating system design and implementation.
In this NachOS project, we implemented the following things:
- Exceptions handling
- PC register increment
- Syscall ReadNum
- Syscall PrintNum
- Syscall RandomNum
- Syscall ReadChar
- Syscall PrintChar
- Syscall ReadString
- Syscall PrintString
- Copy from user space to kernel space and vice versa
- Syscall Create
- Syscall Open
- Syscall Close
- Syscall Read
- Syscall Write
- Syscall Seek
- Syscall Remove
- Project requirements: [Project 1](https://github.com/vanloc1808/NachOS/blob/main/CQ_Project_01_HK2_2122.pdf), [Project 2](https://github.com/vanloc1808/NachOS/blob/main/CQ_Project_02_HK1_2223.pdf).
- Project reports: [Project 1](https://github.com/vanloc1808/NachOS/blob/main/Reports/Project01.pdf), [Project 2](https://github.com/vanloc1808/NachOS/blob/main/Reports/Project02.pdf).
We are Nguyen Van Loc, Vo Trong Nghia, Nguyen Kieu Minh Tam, students at class CNTN2020, University of Science, VNUHCM.