This project is an editor that targets the MicroPython ( version of the Python programming language ( Code written with this editor is expected to run on the BBC's micro:bit device (
This editor works with any modern web browser.
In addition to cloning the repository it is required to retrieve the GIT submodules:
git clone cd PythonEditor git submodule update --init --recursive
Assuming you have Python 3 installed you can serve the editor like this:
$ ./bin/show http://localhost:8000/editor.html Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
As the script tells us, point your browser to http://localhost:8000/editor.html.
It's also possible to run the editor directly from the file system like this, for example:
$ firefox editor.html
Or by double-clicking on the editor.html
file from your file manager.
IMPORTANT: When the editor is run from the file system, the "sharing" button is hidden. Because of security reasons, many local browsers won't allow it to function correctly unless the editor is properly served from a network domain rather than directly from the file system.
Simply point your browser to the tests.html
Tests are in the tests
directory with their own README explaining how they
- ace - a directory containing the Ace editor (
- blockly - a GIT sub-module containing Google's blockly project.
- CHANGELOG - a record of how things have changed between versions.
- CONTRIBUTING.rst - a guide for people who want to contribute (you should!).
- editor.html - the page to be loaded by your browser.
- firmware.hex - copy of the "vanilla" MicroPython firmware used by the editor.
- help.html - a single page user facing help page.
- LICENSE - a copy of the MIT software license that covers this code.
- microbit_blocks - a GIT sub-module containing custom MicroPython blocks.
- python-main.js - the JavaScript code for running the editor.
- README.rst - this file, the clue is in the name. ;-)
- tests.html - the browser based test runner.
- - a script that allows you to serve the editor from localhost. Requires Python 3.
- static - contains css, js and img sub-directories.
- tests - contains the Python specific test suite.
- tests.html - point your browser at this file to run the tests.
We love bug reports, contributions and help. Please read the CONTRIBUTING.rst file for how we work as a community and our expectations for workflow, code and behaviour.
The Python editor is based upon the "Ace" JavaScript editor ( and includes syntax highlighting, code folding and (semi) intelligent auto-indentation.
All new scripts default to something simple and sensible.
The default name for a new script is microbit
. The default comment is
A MicroPython script
. The default code is a short program to repeatedly
display Hello, World!
followed by a heart. You can change these at any time
by clicking on them.
It is possible to override the default name, comment and code via query string
arguments in the URL. For example, appending ?name=My%20script
to the
editor's URL will update the name of the script. Furthermore, appending
will override both the
name and comment. Please note that all query string arguments must be correctly
URL encoded - this especially applies to code. Use the "share" button in the
editor to generate and share such URLs with appended query strings.
The layout and functionality is deliberately simple. The buttons at the top left, act as follows:
- Download - creates a .hex file locally in the user's browser and prompts the user to download it. The resulting file should be copied over to the micro:bit device just like when using all the other editors. The filename will be the name of the script with spaces replaced by "_" and ending in .hex. So "extraordinary script" is saved as extraordinary_script.hex.
- Save - download a copy of the Python source code. The filename will be the name of the script with spaces replaced by "_" and ending in .py.
- Blockly - arrange visual blocks to quickly create Python code. Moving such blocks will re-write your Python code and you may lose work. Furthermore, the arrangement of blocks is currently not saved, just the resulting Python code as described above.
- Snippets - allow user's to write code from pre-defined Python fragments (functions, loops, if...else etc). They are triggered by typing a keyword followed by TAB. For example, type "wh" followed by TAB to insert a while... loop. Clicking on the code snippets button opens up a modal dialog window containing instructions and a table of the available snippets along with their trigger and a short and simple description.
- Help - opens a single page in a new tab that contains user-facing help.
- Share - generate a short URL for the script. Share this with others. This button will be missing if run from the local file system.
Directly next to the large buttons are two smaller icons. The zoom in and zoom out buttons that make it easy for teachers to display code via a projector.
If you have a Python script or hex file on your local computer, you can load it into the editor by dragging it onto the text area.
If you plug in your micro:bit and want to get the REPL you'll need to install pyserial and run the following command with the appropriate permissions (such as root, as shockingly demonstrated below):
$ sudo python -m -b 115200 /dev/ttyACM0
Remember to replace /dev/ttyACM0
with the appropriate device for your computer.
The .hex file is generated in the following way:
- A "vanilla" version of the MicroPython hex is hidden within the DOM.
- We take the Python code in the editor and turn it into a hex representation.
- We insert the Python derived hex into the correct place within the MicroPython hex.
- The resulting combination is downloaded onto the user's local filesystem for flashing onto the device.
The hidden MicroPython hex is just over 600k. While this sounds large, it's relatively small when you consider:
- The Guardian's front page is around 1.5mb
- Compression is built into the server
- The web has caching built in (we should trust it)
- We actually want kids to view source and find the .hex file in as raw a form as possible.
Python projects from external sources can be imported into the editor using a special URL e.g.{{ encoded project }}
To encode a project, it must be structured as follows:
{ meta: { cloudId: "", # optional comment: "A MicroPython script", # required - may be blank editor: "python", # required - editor name lastUse: 1538407830, # optional - UNIX time the script was last used name: "unearthly script 2" # required - may be blank }, source: "# Add your Python code here. E.g.\r\n from microbit import *\r\n while True:\r\n display.scroll('Hello, World!')\r\nsleep(2000)" }
This JSON structure is compressed using LZMA, and then encoded as Base64 to include in the import URL.
To launch the editor you'll need to pass in a config
JavaScript object
containing translation strings and feature flags. Take a look in the
file to see how this is done.
For documentation for this project - you're reading it. ;-)
For in-editor documentation aimed at the user, this is in the help.html file.
This project was born from a TouchDevelop based editor created by Nicholas
H.Tollervey for the BBC. This is no longer maintained, although you can find it
still on the touch-develop-legacy
branch in this repository.