
Planning Poker (Akka/Socko Websockets)

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

Planning Poker

A lightweight implementation of a Planning Poker (aka Scrum Poker) web application. The browser code uses HTML5 websockets when they are detected else does a graceful fallback to AJAX in legacy browsers. The server is a single jar file which runs on a standard Java JVM. The server logic is written in Scala using the core Akka libraries for concurrency and reactive programming. The networking layer is Netty 4 using the awesome Socko server. The code comes with back build and launch scripts which run on the Redhat Openshift PaaS cloud.

Build Prerequisites


git clone https://github.com/simbo1905/planning-poker.git planning-poker
cd planning-poker
sbt test


Running from a local build:

sbt run

Create a runnable jar to deploy and start it with

sbt assembly
java -jar ./target/scala-2.10/planning-poker-runnable.jar 80

N.B. You would need to sudo the command to run on port 80 on Mac OSX or other secure system (see .openshift/action_hooks/* for RHEL scripts).

You should see the output:

Serving web content out of src/main/resources
Open a few browsers and navigate to http://localhost:80. Start playing!

You can now go to that local url and play.

Press Ctrl+c to kill the process which stops the server.

The process takes two mandatory and two optional arguments:

  1. IP/interface to bind to
  2. Port to serve static content
  3. Websocket alternative port (defaults to static content port)
  4. Graceful websocket polling port (defaults to static content port)

The .openshift/action_hooks/README.md explains the optional parameters.

Creating A Skin

The site is effectively two pages under src/main/resources which are index.html and poker.html. The messages sent and received from the server show up on the browsers javascript console (e.g. firefox / chrome web developers console) as out> and in> entries which mean out from the browser to the server else in from the server to the browser, e.g.

out> {"mType":"Reveal"}
in>  {"cards":[{"player":"417007700350734336","card":13,"mType":"CardDrawn"},{"player":"417007962322767872","card":8,"mType":"CardDrawn"}],"mType":"CardSet"}"

shows that a player had hit the reveal cards button which sent a message of type "Reveal" to the server. The server responded with a message of type "CardSet" which contained two "CardDrawn" entries for two players which had values "8" and "13".

The complete set of messages are defined in the file /planning-poker/src/main/scala/scrumpoker/game/Messages.scala

  • RoomSize: Sent to all browsers when a player enters the room. Should be used to give a visual indication that more players have joined the room. Also sent to all browsers in response to a reset message.
  • DrawnSize: Sent to all browsers when a player selects a card. Should be used to indicate how many players in the room have selected a card. A message is also sent to all browsers in response to a reset message to show zero cards drawn.
  • CardSet: Sent to all browsers when the cards are revealed in response to a Reveal message. Contains the complete state of the game as the list of CardDrawn messages sent by all the players.
  • CardDrawn: Sent from the browser when a player selects a card.
  • CardUndrawn: Sent from the browser when a player unselects the card they had selected.
  • PlayerExit: Sent from the browser to the server when the browser window is closed.
  • Reveal: Sent from the browser to the server when a player presses the reveal button. Results in a CardSet being sent to all browsers.
  • Reset: Sent from the browser to the server when a player presses the rest button. Results in a Reset, RoomSize message and DrawnSize zero message being sent to all browsers to cause the game state to be cleared.


Apache 2.0 http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html


[] Compress the static resources [] Check the alternate websocket port is reachable and fallback to polling if not [] If the room timesout check that all the polling players are shutdown [] Move all logging including websocket activity to the socko logs with writeWebLog()
