
Medical diagnosis web app made with Bootstrap 4 and AngularJS

Primary LanguageCSS

Medicare App

Medical diagnosis web application that manages patients and helps diagnosing heart-attack cases by monitoring the known values of six marker enzymes (MYG, CKMB1 + CKMB2, HFABP, CRP, cTnT, cTnI) and assessing the heart attack risk by user profiling.


Medicare presentation


You can login using the username matt.smith and the password matt.smith.is.the.doctor (wink to all the whovians out there).

Getting Started

This app uses npm for dependency installation and Gulp for production packing.


There is a package.json with all the dependencies. Install by

npm install

If you don't have npm, check out this link.


You can open a http-server to start live development

cd src
http-server -o index.html -c-1


If you want to package the src into a build directory for production, there is a gulpfile.js where are predefined some tasks that help you. For more details on using Gulp task automation manager, check it out here. The tasks defined are the following:

gulp # default build task
gulp images # compress images
gulp css-purify # remove unused css
gulp css # concat css
gulp js-modules # concat and minify css modules
gulp templates # minify html
gulp connect # start an http server
gulp copy # create the static assets for production

Built with

  • Bootstrap 4 (v4.1.2)
  • AngularJS (v1.7.2)


As I use this for my own projects, I know this might not be the perfect approach for all the projects out there. If you have any ideas, just open an issue and tell me what you think.

If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


I want to thank @Poppy22 for the helpful guidance and advice.