
Remote Procedure Calling API for OpenDNSSEC

Primary LanguagePython

A Remote Procedure Call API for OpenDNSSEC

This document describes an implementation of the careful zone life cycle as shown in the separate document ZONE-LIFECYCLE.PDF.

In addition to this cautiously overviewed life cycle, there are a few pragmatic extensions that permit more jumpy clients:

  • There is a possible short-cut route from "signed zone on signer" to "DS removed", where a signed zone decides to "bypass DS chaining".
  • Clients may request moving to a desired state as quickly as possible. When this state has not been reached, the command responds with not having had success, and the client should poll until this improves. Upon each polling event, a new attempt is made to move forward.
  • Clients may request a "drop dead" operation on a zone; this means that the zone will be removed completely and irrevocably from management, presumably because something disruptive happened to the zone, such as a domain name expiration or it being taken out from our management.


A zone has a number of flags attached:

  • signing indicates that the intention exists to sign the zone; set during sign_approve and cleared when assert_unsigned returns success;
  • signed is the starting time from which the zone is signed; setup during assert_signed and cleared during sign_stop;
  • chaining indicates that the intention exists to maintain a chain from the parent; set during chain_start and cleared during chain_stop;
  • chained is the starting time from which the zone is chained from the parent; setup during assert_chained and cleared during chain_stop;
  • dsttl is the DS TTL found in parent zone; setup just before the chain is broken in chain_stop and cleared during assert_unsigned;
  • dnskeyttl is the DNSKEY TTL found in the signed zone; setup just before stopping DNSSEC during sign_stop and cleared during assert_unsigned;
  • invalid describes what is wrong with the zone that blocks its further processing; raised whenever something unexpected happens to the zone and only cleared through operator intervention.

These flags are stored in /var/opendnssec/rpc/<zonename>.<flagname> where the presence of the file indicates True and absense signifies False. Some files are set to a timestamp or TTL value that supports the phases described below.

These flags cannot be changed arbitrarily; they must occur in the right places of the management process. This process is guarded by ods-webapi. A frontend portal can access this API to request changes, and will be told when things are wrong. The ods-webapi will ensure that everything in OpenDNSSEC is setup properly for the requested changes to take place.

In extreme conditions, such as something that would invalidate transactional semantics, the invalid flag is raised. This calls for operator intervention, and should not normally occur. In other words, it is a very suitable aspect of zone validity monitoring. The flag will cause ods-webapi to refuse any further actions on the zone.

Switchable Backends

The backend module can easily be switched between alternative implementations. There are two backends in place:

  • The "normal" one is to add and remove zones from signing through ods-ksmutil to the ods-enforcer.
  • An alternative backend replaces the Enforcer under the assumption that key rollover and the KSK/ZSK distinction can be dropped. In this situation, the backend addresses PKCS #11 directly and generates a key as well as a .signconf file and an updated zones.list for the ods-signer. The database will be replaced with PKCS #11 storage in this backend. This backend requires access to conf.xml, to gain access to the PKCS #11 repository configuration.

Note that switching between backends is not supposed to be done lightly. You are currently assumed to make a choice before you start signing anything.

We do not advise the alternative backend unless you are using ECDSA for which we believe key rollovers are less of a necessity [ref:Roland:curvedDNS]. In a setup with a replicated HSM, the use of only PKCS #11 and no database may simplify management somewhat.

Signed Communication

Actions use HTTP POST to the ods-webapi in the application/jose format, also known as JSW Compact Serialisation. This is a base64-ish string, formed from a JSON message and a so-called JWS web signature on it. These signatures ensure the secure interaction between sender and recipient; ods-webapi does not require encryption because the DNS impact is going to be public anyway.

The JWS framework can provide a key identity in a kid field; this is a hint for finding the signing key, so this works like a username. It should be set to a format such as portal+key1@frontend.example.com where the user, its key and its host are all variables that help towards flexible access. The ods-webapi can limit access to individual functions to any desired set of such kids.

On a sidenote, it is unclear what web-specifics the JWS framework provides; as far as the underlying mechanism is concerned, other transport mechanisms would be just as usable as HTTP; other possible transports would be SMTP, CoAP, MSRP, SIP, XMPP and many more. HTTP just happens to be friendly to the frontend that is currently most popular.

The reason for using JOSE is that this just adds a signature; simple HMAC signatures based on shared secrets are supported, as well as the more advanced public key systems. The transport format is a matter of standard implementation, and the JSON format that it is going to be signed is defined below.

During the interaction, a so-called DNSSEC Request in JSON format is sent to the ods-webapi using JWS, and a DNSSEC Response formulates a reply on the action. The DNSSEC Request format welcomes bulk commands, that is zones are provided as a list. There is no provision for multiple operations in one request, as that would confuse the semantics and complicate error handling.

While signing, a timestamp header is added; this is generally a floating point number of seconds since the start of Jan 1, 1970. Furthermore, a header kid holds a list of signing key identifiers. It is possible to sign with multiple keys, which is useful during migrations, and the verification process succeeds when only one of these keys verifies properly. Note that all the kid values must be set before signing commences, as they will be incorporated into the signature.

When a message has problems with their signature, or their timestamp is too far off, then the connection will be reset on security grounds.

JSON format of DNSSEC Requests

A DNSSEC Request is a dictionary with a command string and a zones attribute to which it is applied. For instance,

    "command": "sign_start",
    "zones": [

This is a request to execute the command sign_start, defined below, on the zones example.com and john.example.org.

JSON format of DNSSEC Responses

A DNSSEC Respsonse is a dictionary with a number of zone lists, where the list name indicates how processing went. The ok list indicates those changes that went through fine, the invalid list indicates zones that have their invalid flag raised, the badstate list indicates zones that are in an unsuitable state for the requested command, error indicates other errors with the requested zone action. Any of these lists may be absent, which is equivalent to an empty list. All zones listed in the corresponding DNSSEC Request occur in precisely one list.

    "ok": [
    "badstate": [

Available Commands

Below are command definitions.


Use sign_start to indicate an intention to start signing, although not approved yet. The command returns badstate if the zone is not free to be signed.

Precondition: The zone must have no flags set.

Postcondition: Dito.


Use sign_approve to approve a zone that was introduced with sign_start. This initiates background processing by OpenDNSSEC and authoritative name servers.

Precondition: The zone must have no flags set. The DNS information is available.

Postcondition: The signing flag is set; OpenDNSSEC has the zone setup.


Use assert_signed to ensure that signing has been setup completely. The command will return error until the zone is properly signed.

When at least one signed DNSKEYs is found in all authoritative name servers, the signed flag will be checked. If it was not set yet, it will be set (thus storing the timestamp at which it is set). The signed flag file will be filled with its creation time plus the negative caching TTL; this value must be passed before this function returns ok; until that time, this function returns error to indicate that the assertion cannot be delivered yet.

Note that the negative caching TTL is defined by Section 5 of RFC 2308 as the minimum of the zone's SOA TTL and the SOA.MINIMUM field.

Precondition: The signing flag is set; OpenDNSSEC has the zone setup; it appears in all authoritative name servers.

Postcondition: The signing and signed flags are set; the latter has been created at least the TTL of TODO ago; OpenDNSSEC has the zone setup and it appears in all authoritative name servers.


Aim for state changes until assert_signed holds. This command is used in a polling fashion, and the server will each time attempt to make the necessary state changes. Until it validates, this command returns error conditions.

Precondition: True

Postcondition: The signing and signed flags are set; the latter has been created at least the TTL of TODO ago; OpenDNSSEC has the zone setup and it appears in all authoritative name servers; implicitly, the postcondition to assert_signed holds.


Use bypass_chaining to avoid publishing DS records in the parent, and instead move to the state where unsigning of the zone can commence at any future moment.

This bypass can be used internally by the goto_ commands, but only if it does not violate the valid order of progression of zone states.

Precondition: The signing flag is set; the chaining flag is not set; OpenDNSSEC has the zone setup; it appears in all authoritative name servers.

Postcondition: The signing flag is set; the chaining flag is not set.


Use chain_start to setup the chaining link to parent zones. This initiaties background processing between OpenDNSSEC and parent zones.

Precondition: The signing flag is set; the chaining flag is not set; OpenDNSSEC has the zone setup; it appears in all authoritative name servers.

Postcondition: The signing and chaining flags are set.


Use assert_chained to ensure that the DS link from the parent zone down to this zone is visible to everyone. This means that the DS records are published in all the parent's authoritatives and that the applicable TTLs have expired. This command returns error until this state has been reached.

Precondition: The signing and chaining flags are set.

Postcondition: Dito; the zone can now be notified as "signed" to the user.


Aim for state changes until assert_chained holds. This command is used in a polling fashion, and the server will each time attempt to make the necessary state changes. Until it validates, this command returns error conditions.

Precondition: True

Postcondition: The signing and chaining flags are set; implicitly, the postcondition to assert_chained holds.


Use chain_stop to begin breaking down DNSSEC. This first thing to do is to bring the chain down, while OpenDNSSEC continues signing for the time being. This initiates background activity to remove DS records from the parent zone.

Precondition: The signing and chained flags are set. The parent has the proper DS records installed.

Postcondition: The signing flag is set, chained is cleared. The parent does not have the DS records installed.


Use assert_unchained to ensure that nobody sees the DS records in the parent anymore; this means that the parent no longer promotes the DS records for the zone and that the TTL on the records has passed. This returns error until this condition has been reached.

Precondition: The signing flag is set, chained is not.

Postcondition: Dito. Plus, nobody has reason to require that the zone is signed.


Aim for state changes until assert_unchained holds. This command is used in a polling fashion, and the server will each time attempt to make the necessary state changes. Until it validates, this command returns error conditions.

Precondition: True

Postcondition: The signing flag is set, and chaining is cleared; implicitly, the postcondition to assert_unchained holds.


Use sign_ignore to indicate to OpenDNSSEC that its signing will henceforth be ignored. Signing does commence for the time being.

Precondition: The signing flag is set.

Postcondition: The signing flag is set.


Use sign_stop to order OpenDNSSEC to stop signing. This may initiate a background process of cleanup.

Precondition: The signing flag is set, chaining is not.

Postcondition: The signing flag is undefined, the chaining flag is cleared.


Use assert_unsigned to assure that a zone is no longer being signed. The user can now be told that the zone is unsigned, with no traces left, and that the zone is free to enter another signing cycle, either here or elsewhere. (Note that signed transfrers are not supported by ods-webapi, as it involves manual migration of keys anyway.)

Precondition: The signing flag is as it was left after sign_stop, and chaining is cleared.

Postcondition: The signing flag is cleared, as is chaining.


Aim for state changes until assert_unsigned holds. This command is used in a polling fashion, and the server will each time attempt to make the necessary state changes. Until it validates, this command returns error conditions.

Precondition: True

Postcondition: The signing flag is cleared, as is chaining; implicitly, the postcondition to assert_unsigned holds.


Use update_signed to run a local script on a signed zone. The script can be setup in localrules.py and would normally cause the re-signing of the indicated zones.


Use drop_dead to instantly, unconditionally and irrevocably remove all traces of a zone from the system. The only reason that this might fail is if the zone is invalid to start with, which blocks the RPC system altogether, so as to ensure that errors will not go undetected.

Precondition: True.

Postcondition: The signing and chaining flags are cleared, as are the signed and chained flags. The zone has been removed from the system.