
Petri net and labelled partial order tools form FU Hagen STTP

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PNTools is a collection of small Python 3 scripts. These scripts support parsing of pnml and lpo files, define a data structure for Petri nets and labelled partial orders and contain algorithms to work with such structures.


  • partialorder.py:

This module implements classes for labelled partial orders and a parser for .lpo-files created with VipTool or MoPeBs (http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/sttp/forschung/mopebs.shtml)

  • petrinet.py:

This module implements classes for Petri nets and a parser for .pnml-files. (http://www.pnml.org/)

  • lpo_viewer_tk.py:

This module implements a GUI for viewing labeled partial orders. This GUI is build with Tkinter.

  • petrinet_viewer_tk.py:

This module implements a GUI for viewing Petri nets. This GUI is build with Tkinter.

  • lpo_viewer.py:

This module implements a GUI for viewing labeled partial orders. This GUI uses PyQt5!

(partial) Requirements:

Some of the user interfaces are build with PyQt5, therefore you need to install Qt5 and PyQt5 if you want to use these GUIs.