
Common Infrastructure for Modeling the Earth



Common Infrastructure for Modeling the Earth

cime (pronounced: seem) represents the infrastructure code for the Community Earth System Model (CESM) and the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME). cime includes scripts for configuration, build, and testing of models, as well as data and stub models for climate components, and a code for coupling different climate components together.


cime was initially extracted from CESM as a stand-alone capability in 2015 by members of the CSEG group at NCAR, the software engineering team of the CESM model. The CSEG group had been developing this infrastrucure within CESM for a number of years using NSF and DOE funding. After version 4 was released, a joint development partnership was started with the software engineering group of ACME, a DOE-funded project, which had branched from CESM in 2014. Starting with development of version 5, cime is cooperative effort with contributions and ownership from members of both teams.

The following table documents the developers who have contributed to cime, showing what versions of they contributed to, and with what source(s) of support.

Name Institution Versions Funding Source (for versions)
Mariana Vertenstein NCAR 1 - D NSF, DOE
Jim Edwards NCAR 1 - D NSF (1-D), DOE(1-2)
Jim Foucar SNL 5 - D DOE
Rob Jacob ANL 5 - D DOE
Andreas Wilke ANL 5 - D DOE
Jason Sarich ANL 5 - D DOE
??Sean Santos NCAR 1 - 4 NSF

Key: D = Current development version (i.e. still active on project)


Currently, this is a work in progress.