
This GitHub repository contains a collection of projects and assignments related to Operating Systems. It includes implementations of various OS concepts such as process scheduling, memory management, file systems, and synchronization mechanisms. The repository serves as a practical resource for understanding and experimenting with fundamental OS

Primary LanguageC

Operating Systems Lab

Lab Course Information

Course Name: Operating System Lab
Course Code: 10B17CI571

Course Objectives

  1. Create sockets and analyze different client/server models.
  2. Create processes, threads, and semaphores.
  3. Analyze different protocols.
  4. Learn how resources are managed in an operating system.
  5. Manage system memory.

List of Experiments

Experiment Number Experiment Details Lab Hours
1 Process Handling 2
2 Zombie and Orphan Process 2
3 FCFS Scheduling Algorithm 2
4 SJF Scheduling Algorithm 2
5 Priority Scheduling Algorithm 2
6 Round-Robin Scheduling Algorithm 2
7 Process Groups 2
8 Inter-Process Communication 2
9 Shared Memory Concept 2
10 Peterson’s Critical Section Problem Solution 2
11 Mutex 2
12 Semaphores 2
14 Safety Algorithm 2
15 Banker’s Algorithm 2
16 Group Project 2
17 Group Project 2
18 Group Project 2
19 Group Project 2
20 Group Project 2
21 Group Project 2
22 Group Project 2

Total Lab Hours: 56